Thursday, 16 January 2014

Orlando Bloom makes my toes curl #WinterWonderMan #KingdomofHeaven #Giveaway

Welcome to the Winter Wonder Man Blog Hop hosted by H.D. Thomson and Bella Media Management. It runs from January 16th to 19th.

The topic is 'What is it about a movie or book hero that makes our toe curl?'

Of course a good looking man with rugged features, a dimpled grin and a fit body is great. But for me to fall in love with him and fantasize about getting down and dirty with him, he has to be passionate and care about something other than himself and be willing to fight for it.

In two words--honour and integrity, make my toes curl. I'll give you an example.

In Kingdom of Heaven (one of my favourite all time movies), Orlando Bloom plays Balian, a french blacksmith who goes out to fight in the crusades in 1184. He meets and falls in love with Princess Sibylla who is the sister of the leper King Baldwin IV. When the king offers Balian the chance to marry Sibylla, and in effect become the next king of Jerusalem, Balian turns it down because it meant killing Guy de Lusignan who was Sibylla's husband (and the villain of the story, by the way). Balian was a man who held on to his integrity despite the political wranglings going on around him. And I loved him for it. Oh, and of course he gets the girl in the end. Check out the trailer.

I always inject this same integrity into the heroes that I write. My Men of Valor historical romance series is dedicated to such men who make my toes curl. You can find out more about this series by clicking HERE.

Now on to the giveaway.
I'm giving away a $5 (or £equivalent) Amazon Gift card to one lucky person. Simply complete the rafflecopter entries. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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