Monday, 27 January 2014

#Giveaway @EllaJade1 explains why her latest #book has witches, warlocks & time travel

Today, I'm interviewing romance author Ella Jade as part of her Find Me Virtual Book Tour. Please make her feel welcome as she shares a little about herself and her book. You can also read my review of her book HERE. There is also a chance to WIN some goodies including a Gift Card.

Congratulations to Linda Henderson who won a copy of The Department Store by Jorja Lovett from last week's guest post. Make sure I have your email address so the book cab be sent to you.

Q1) Ella, welcome to my blog. Can you tell us a little about yourself

My name is Ella Jade and I’m an erotic, contemporary romance author. I live in NJ with my husband and two boys. When I’m not spinning tales of love, life and spice I’m busy attending PTO meetings and chasing after my kids.

Q2) Nice to meet another author with young kids. Have you always wanted to be an author?
Yes! I’ve always been a writer. The plots and characters have played out in my head my whole life but I never knew what to do with them. That all changed when I found the eBook industry. 

Q3) I'm thankful for eBooks too. J Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?
I grew up on Nora Roberts and Stephen King. Nora Roberts taught me how to weave a series long before I started putting my words on paper.

Q4) Very popular choices. Let's talk about your typical writing day. What is it like for you? 
My kids are in school full time so after they get on the bus I try to run my errands and get some house work done before I start my writing day. A good writing day is about three hours of uninterrupted time. That doesn’t always happen since edits and promo pop up quite often.

Q5) Ha. The dreaded promo. This brings us nicely to your new book. Tell us a little about it.

This is my first attempt at paranormal romance. I’m really excited to finally be able to tell this story. It's been in my head for years.
It’s a time travel story but I tried to give it a different spin. I only went back fifty years to 1963. Not an era you see often but it worked for this book. I have a reluctant present day witch who can’t seem to shake a persistent warlock who appears in her dreams. He always ends the dream in a whisper...
Find Me

Buy Links:
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Q6) Interesting concept. How did you come up with the idea for this story?
I love time travel, witches and warlocks. It seemed natural to put all three together. When I sat down to create the story I had no idea how I was going to tie it all together but I’m very happy with the final outcome. I hope the readers will be too.

Q7) I'm sure they will. What is up next for you?
I have two more releases coming up in February and March. Both the start of new series. The one in March, Stealing His Heart, is a baseball romance. I can’t wait to share that hero. He’s pretty cool.

Q8) Great. What is the best piece of advice you would give to a budding writer?
Keep plugging away. Rejection is part of the process but if you really believe in your story keep trying. I believe there’s a story for everyone. You have to be persistent and find the outlet and the audience.

Q9) What is the next book on your To Read Pile that you are dying to jump into?
My Kindle is full of TBR books. I’m excited about several. I just need to sit down and read. Once I’m out of my crazy release schedule I plan to catch up.

Q10) Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thanks so much for having me today.

Favorite Quiz

Favorite city: Orlando (big Disney fan)

Favorite beverage: Starbucks Iced Tea/Lemonade

Favorite place you’d like to visit: Disney

Favorite place to write: My kitchen table. I have a great view of the backyard from there.

Favorite hobby: I guess I can’t say writing? LOL

Favorite movie: I have so many but a few that have stayed with me from my younger years are... Pretty Woman, The Princess Bride and Overboard. I can watch them every time they’re on.

Favorite book: Too many to name.

You can connect with her at:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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