Wednesday, 1 January 2014

#AmReading Around The World In 80 Books #ReadingChallenge

As part of my New Year resolution, I've signed up for the Around The World in 80 Books Reading Challenge hosted by Love Bites and Silk.

The aim of this challenge is to read books set in different locations across the globe.  This challenge is open to everyone. If you think you can't read up to 80 books in 2014, there are mini-challenges you can undertake and still win awards.

For example you can take up the green gem challenge and read 7 books based in the 7 continents. Visit Love Bites and Silk for the full details.

Since I read over 80 books in 2013, I'm hoping to undertake all the mini reading challenges, so I hope to read the 80 books by the end of 2014.

Here are some of the books I read in 2013

Kiru's bookshelf: read

A Soldier's Christmas
Midnight Mistletoe
Deliberately Bound
Yes, Sir
Who's That Lady
The Blind Date
The Lost Temple
Dark Desires
Wrong Turn
Immortal Seduction
Persuasion Skills
I'll Be Home for Christmas: An eShort Story
Mated Forever
The Nightlife: New York
Been Loving You Too Long

Kiru Taye's favorite books »

Here are some of the books I'm hoping to read in 2014

Kiru's to-read book montage

The Enforcers: The Blood Bar Chronicles, BOOK 3
The Tycoon's Very Personal Assistant
Northern Exposure
Hot Head
Bound To Protect
The Wolf on the Run
Dancing in the Shadows of Love
The Viking's Touch
Fiona's Fate
Sex, Gossip and Rock & Roll
Housekeeper in His Bed: WITH An Unforgettable Man AND The Italian Millionaire's Virgin Wife AND His Live-In Mistress
Shock Therapy
Stormlord's Exile
Guardian Possession
The Famished Road
Hollywood Wives - The New Generation
Dirty Tricks
On Dublin Street
The Desert Sheikh's Defiant Queen

Kiru Taye's favorite books »

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