Thursday, 2 January 2014

Sharing My Resolutions - I am accountable

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney

This year I'm doing something different. I'm sharing some of my resolutions for the year with you lovely readers as part of me being more accountable for my goals.

In the past couple of years, I've let myself get more distracted by things that don't really matter in the scheme of things. In 2014, I aim to refocus on the things that matter to me most.

So I'm hoping that by making some of my resolutions public I can be held accountable for making them happen. You have permission to kick my ass if I slack off. J

Here are some of the things on my  to-do list:


My Life:
I promise to love more, give more, laugh more, dance more and be more positive.

My Health:
I will work out at least 3 times a week and follow a healthy eating plan, so that I can lose 15kg and drop one dress size. Follow my updates via MyFitnessPal to see how well I'm doing.

My Relationships:
I will be the friend who encourages others, who see the good in others and helps them achieve their potential.

I will be the change I want to see in others.

My Writing:
I will write 1000 words per day or 7000 words per week.
I will publish 6 new titles in 2014. Check out this post for details.

My Reading:
I will read 80 books this year as part of the Around The World In 80 Books Reading Challenge 2014.

What about you? Do you have any resolutions? Share them or post the link to where you've shared them and I'll come and encourage you too.

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