Sunday, 19 January 2014

Can I taste you now? #SexySnippets #WIP The Essien Trilogy

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets. This weekly meme is hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers where we share seven sentences from a published book or work-in-progress. If you're a writer, feel free to join us by signing up at the Sexy Snippets page. Sign up opens every Tuesday and closes midnight every Saturday (UK time).

This week I bring you more from my work-in-progress, Making Scandal. To read the previous snippets from this WIP, click HERE. In this scene, Faith has been resisting the transition from a platonic relationship to something more amorous between them. But Mark is on the charm offensive. Will she hold out?


"Can I taste you now," he whispered in a low gruff voice, the warm air from his breath lifting the hairs on the back of her head.
Was the loud arrhythmic thudding sound her heart?
His chest pressed against her shoulders, his arousal, hard and burning into her back through the layers of fabric separating them.
"Mark," his name was a soft prayer on her lips, an expectant tremor sliding down her spine as her womb contracted.
Was she saying yes or no? She wasn't sure anymore. The only certainty she could rely on was her body's response to his request—awakened.

I hope you enjoyed this snippet. Share your thoughts. I love reading your comments.
Also check out the other sexy snippets this week. Happy Sunday!

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