Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Naughty After Dark - His Strength Men of Valor #2

The Naughty After Dark blog hop is hosted by Close Encounters with the Third Kind and Natasha Blackthorne. It celebrates all things adult and naughty. So if you're under 18 years old, it's time to hop out. ;)

I'm sharing a sexy excerpt from my latest ebook release and giving away 1 free copy to a lucky commenter. 

Genre: Historical erotic romance
Era: Ancient Africa
Series: Men of Valor, book 2
Published: 10 February 2012

When a warrior seeks to claim a free-spirited woman, he soon discovers a tigress unwilling to be caged.

As a young widow, Nneka yearns to be released from the obligations to her late husband’s family, and live as an independent woman. With a past colored by a brutal father, she’ll never yield to another man willingly, and will do just about anything to attain that freedom, including flouting the laws of the land.

Ikem was unable to claim Nneka once because his lineage meant he wasn’t good enough. Now fate has given him another chance, but he quickly discovers that claiming this unpredictable wildcat is easier said than done. Will he be able to convince her that succumbing to their passion is the key to her freedom?

Nneka stood before him, her smooth brown skin glowing in the lamplight in her hands, her dark eyes and mouth wide open, shocked. Dressed in light nightwear, she looked ready for sleep. His gaze was drawn to the way her dress was wrapped around her body, accentuating her curves. It drew his attention to the swell of her breasts in the dimness of the light.

"W-what are you doing here?" He noticed the slight quake in her subdued voice. Its tremulous tone resonated in the pit of his stomach. His body's response was primal. To stop himself from reaching for her, he folded his arms across his chest. His body filled her doorway.

"I told you I'd come here if you didn't meet me today. I keep my word."
With a dismissive shrug, she lifted an eyebrow. The self-assured gleam back in her eyes. 

"Well, I never said I was going to meet you. You assumed. Your mistake."
He'd give her that. She hadn't verbally agreed to meet him. He'd assumed she'd agreed after she succumbed to his kiss. "A mistake I won't be making again." He frowned to show his displeasure.

"You shouldn't be here. Go home. Someone might see you." She moved to close the door, but he put his foot out to stop her. 

"You’d better let me in then, unless you want your in-laws to know I'm here. I don't mind, either way." Flexing his fingers, he kept his arms folded. He yearned to run his hands down her smooth, pliant skin.
Her eyes held a furious glare for a while, but she opened the door wider, moving out of the way. Stooping to avoid hitting his head on the low door frame, he walked in. She shut the door behind him and placed the lamp in the wall sconce.

"You need to be quick about your visit. It's been a long day, and I need my sleep."

She remained standing near the door as he surveyed the room. It was of modest size with a long table and bench. In the corner, she stored her cooking wares. A door led off the room to what he assumed was the sleeping chamber. The air was scented with orange zest. He'd smelled it on her the other day. Realizing it was Nneka's scent, he turned to find her with her arms folded across her chest. It lifted her breasts into prominence. The twin peaks of her nipples pouted in his direction. The smoldering embers of his desire crackled to life again. His manhood swelled.

"The night is still young, Nneka. There'll be plenty of time to sleep yet."

Advancing in her direction, he smiled at her the way a hungry lion smiles at its prey. In response to his insinuation, her eyes widened in astonishment, and her small nose flared. She backed up to the wall, and he followed her there. He leaned one hand against the wall beside her head, the other touching her face. His finger traced a line down to her neck. She gasped softly. The pulse at the base of her neck beat a fast rhythm. He leaned forward and inhaled deeply, her scent of arousal overtaking the zesty fragrance.

"Why did you not come to see me when you want me so?" He cocked his eyebrow cynically.

Her mouth formed an O. "I-I don't want you," she replied in a petulant fashion, shaking her head vigorously. But her eyes told him another story. They were a warm brown and stared at his lips as if expecting him to kiss her.

Maybe I should oblige her.

He chuckled. "Liar," he whispered before he lowered his lips to her. But he didn't claim her lips immediately. Instead he feathered her face and neck with kisses, alternating between nipping and licking her sweet-salty skin. Her breathing increased rapidly. When he looked up, he noticed that her eyes were closed. He licked the pulse at her neck before he trailed his lips back up and hovered above her lips. She opened her eyes and moaned softly.

"Say it, Nneka. You want me to kiss you."

"Never!" Her voice, as well as her body, trembled as she spoke.


His Strength is now available to buy for $1.99 via
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
And all other Amazon worldwide countries.


For your chance to win a copy simply 

1. Follow my blog via email 


2. Follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook
The forms and buttons are on the right-hand bar.


3. Leave me a comment with your email address and Facebook/Twitter ID. 

Good luck! Remember to hop along and check out all the other naughty goodies along the way.


  1. Happy Release Day Kiru!
    Love your stories. The strong men and fiesty women!!!
    Off to shop or rather download!

  2. OK, so we have more things in common: A love for orange scent. My hero smells of it too. LOL.

    Nice excerpt! *Off to win a copy*

    1. Igbomarriage, thank you. I love orange zest.

      Best of luck with your entry.

  3. Sound like a great read - thanks heaps for opening this internationally :)
    Kel xx
    Twitter - Lillie_owen

  4. Great excerpt! Thanks for sharing.

    author_shannon_leigh at hotmail dot com

  5. Wow, a VERY HOT excerpt! Thank you so much for getting naughty with us. :)

    natasha (dot) blackthore @ yahoo (dot) com

  6. Wow, when I first saw His Treasure, I just knew I had to read it. Now I see this and it completely mades me want to read it too! Great excerpt and thanks for the giveaway! :D

  7. i like teh cover draws you to the person in the book wow
    and then i love to read and blog on it

    desi the blonde at msn dot com

  8. Thanks for being on the blog hop! I am enjoying learning about new-to-me authors. This is going on my TBR list.
    The excerpt was a great tease. Thanks!
    I follow via:

  9. Thanks for participating in this great blog hop.

    I'm following you on both:

    twitter: @mimirose41209

    Face book: Mimi Rose

    mimirose41209 at hotmail dot com

  10. Happy Release day, Kiru!
    Loved reading about your stories! And what a blog hop!

  11. This is such a great naughty Hop, I'm finding lots of great authors who write hot, sexy stories. Thanks for participating ;)


  12. Forgot to add, following via twitter under @perez_evita and FB under Evita's Reads ;D

  13. Your book sounds so good! Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway!
    email subscriber
    fb- shadow kohler
    twitter- LuvToRead09

  14. Thank you to everyone for participating. I'll be announcing the winners shortly.

  15. And the Winner is:

    Victoria Teoh! Congratulations.

    Send me an email and tell me which ebook format you prefer. :)


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