Sunday, 21 April 2013

#SexySnippets Scars #WIP #erotic

Happy Sunday, everyone. Welcome back to the Sexy Snippets blog hop hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers.

If you've stopped by for the Contemporary Novelists Book Fair, click HERE.

The idea is for writers to post a 7-sentence snippet from your work-in-progress or published work and share the post using the hashtag #sexysnippets. You are welcome to join in, just go to to sign up for the next hop.

I've been writing a new story--an erotic short story for an anthology with some of the fabulous ladies at The Nuthouse Scribblers. Scars is the working title and I'm partly excited and partly apprehensive about this one as I've never written a purely erotic story before. So I'm sharing a snippet from it this week. 
I'd love to know what you think so please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy it.

WARNING: sexual content. Adults only.


His eyes shone with a roguish glint and she realised she'd said the F word aloud. There was no time to be mortified at her crudity as he then covered her lips with his glistening ones. She tasted her musky essence in his intense kiss. Twisting against him, frenzied cries bubbled in her throat as another orgasm ricocheted around her body.

Gosh, she wanted him. How she wanted him—between her legs, pinning her down, his body a piston, ramming into her, fast and hard until this mighty ache abated.


Share your thoughts and check out the other Sexy Snippets this week.

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