Sunday, 28 April 2013

More #SexySnippets from Scars #erotic #shortstory

Happy Sunday, everyone. Welcome back to the Sexy Snippets blog hop hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers.

The idea is for writers to post a 7-sentence snippet from your work-in-progress or published work and share the post using the hashtag #sexysnippets. You are welcome to join in, just go to to sign up for the next hop.

This week I'm sharing another snippet from Scars, an erotic contemporary short story I've just finished, hopefully to be published soon.

Here's the blurb:
Selina hides a secret beneath her controlled happy exterior. But it's her wedding night and her husband Benjamin is determined to strip down her barriers until she bares all.

You can read the previous snippet from this story here. I hope you enjoy this week's offering.


"Even now, your skin is flushed, your breast threatening to spill out. I want to watch you dancing in this dress with the gems on your black skirt catching the light and shimmering like fireflies against the dark night, knowing you're fighting not to come, knowing you're deferring to me."

How was she going to cope? Though the vibrations were low from the egg, she already wanted to pull her dress up and get herself off. Worse, she wanted to grind herself against the elegant bulge curving his fly. Yet all she could do was nod.

"Later tonight, I'll give you all the release you need. Your orgasms are mine. Just as you are now mine."


Share your thoughts and check out the other Sexy Snippets this week.

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