Monday, 15 April 2013

#Interview TP Miller: Paranormal Meets Erotica @VampyreQueen14

Happy Monday, y'all! This week I'm pleased to welcome author T.P. Miller to my blog as we chat about writing and her latest book. Please make her feel welcome. Leave a comment and you could win a copy of A Woman Scorned. The winner will be announced next Monday.

Last week's winner of Smoke and Fire: A Firefighter's Love Story by Toye Lawson-Brown is Dee Little. Contact me to arrange delivery.

Now, on to this week's interview.


Q1) Can you tell us a little about yourself.

My name is T.P. Miller and I’m from Birmingham, Alabama. I’m a paranormal writer and released my debut novel, Out for Blood last year. I’m a mother of two amazing kids and the wife of a wonderful husband.

Q2) Have you always wanted to be an author?

Not always. I started out wanting to be a veterinarian and tried my hand at it and realized that as much as I liked it, it wasn’t want I really wanted to do. I’ve was always writing when I was younger and it wasn’t until I was older that I took it seriously.

Q3) Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?

My all-time favorite author would be L.A. Banks. I consider her my mentor because I went to her when I first started out and she helped me get started and gave me the advice that I needed. I feel like she influenced me and my writing technique because her novels draw you in and I try to do the same with my books.

Q4) Can you tell us what a typical writing day for you is like. 

Typically, after everyone is in bed, I grab my headphones and pull out my paper and write. Music really helps me get into the mood to get the words out.

Q5) Let’s talk about your new book.  Can you tell us a little about it?

I just released a short story called, A Woman Scorned. It’s an erotica short and gives readers a chance to see that I can do more than paranormal fiction. The basis is really a woman catching her boyfriend cheating and her anger and almost revenge behind it. She also gets a little revenge when the maintenance man comes around.

 Where to buy:

Q6) How did you come up with the idea for this story?

It was supposed to be a part of an anthology that was cancelled. Each story was a deadly sin and wrath was my base. It was fun to think about what a woman would do if she found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her.

Q7) What is up next for you?

Next for me will be finishing the sequel for Out for Blood and putting out a romance novel that’s been in the works for a while.

Q8) What is the best piece of advice you would give to a budding writer?

Do your research and get to writing. You want to put out quality and not quantity.

Q9) What is the next book on your To Read Pile that you are dying to jump into?

Well, I just finished the second book to the Thug series so the next it definitely on the list. I’m also reading the Thin Ice series by K.R. Bankston and her stuff is GREAT so I’ll be finishing that too. My kindle is full of good books so I have a lot to choose from.

Q10) Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I’m working hard to get Out for Blood’s sequel out this year, so PLEASE be on the look out for that. As for the readers, I’m thankful to each and every one of you that took time to read Out for Blood or A Woman Scorned. If you have it, please leave a review and pass it on to a friend if you think they’ll like it. I can’t thank you all enough for motivating me and pushing me to get it done. I’m listening!

Favorite Quiz

Favorite city: New Orleans

Favorite beverage: Water, Pepsi, or Whiskey Sours if you want to go alcoholic

Favorite place you’d like to visit: Egypt. Absolutely love the culture.

Favorite place to write: In bed or at my desk.

Favorite hobby: Reading.

Favorite movie: The Wizard of Oz or The Wiz

Favorite book: The Vampire Huntress  Legends by L.A. Banks.

Thank you so much for having me!!!

Contact T.P.

Email: vampyrequeen14 @ or vampyrequeen14 @


  1. Hi, TP. Welcome to my blog. L.A. Banks was a great author and we miss her. May her soul rest in peace.

  2. Congratulations on your book release.From vet to writer. That's cool.

  3. Haven't read your series but it sounds interesting and contests.

  4. One more author to look out for...

    Brief but deep interview...

  5. Thanks for the chance to win.Great interview.



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