Monday, 1 April 2013

#Interview Daydreamer Meets Author @Lindalou42 +eGift

Hello, everyone. This week I'm pleased to host new author Linda Bolton on my blog as she shares about writing and her debut book Take 2, a contemporary romance. Please make her feel welcome.

I'll be giving away a copy of her book, so make sure you leave a comment to enter the prize draw. A winner will be chosen at the end of the week.

Last week's winner of the Absolute Surrender eBook by Georgia Lyn Hunter is Divavixenqueen. Contact me to arrange delivery.

Now on to the interview. Here's what we've been chatting about.


Q1) Can you tell us a little about yourself

I live in Dallas and my first book, a contemporary romance, was published Dec 26, 2012. I have been writing since I was in high school but never took it seriously until a couple years ago. I work full time in HR and play with my granddaughter. I stay very busy between writing and having fun. Sometimes its hard to balance.

Q2) Have you always wanted to be an author?

I had poetry published but never really thought about becoming an author until after my daughter was grown and I seem to have too much time on my hands. I have a huge crush on Gerard Butler (movie actor - 300, Ugly Truth, P.S. I Love You, Bounty Hunter) and decided to do something with all my daydreaming.

Q3) I always love your Gerald Butler photos on FB. So, who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?

I love to a lot of authors. I really think being able to talk to real authors (on Facebook and Twitter) really influenced me the most. They’ve all been very encouraging and not one told me to give up. When you read magazines and books on writing, they’re so discouraging - only a handful of writers get published, etc. Talking to authors who were published made feel like it was really possible.

Q4) Can you tell us what a typical writing day for you is like. 

That’s rough. When I wrote my first novel I woke up at 5am and wrote for an hour or so (while drinking coffee), then went to work, came home and wrote some more most days. My second novel hasn’t been so kind to me. This one will be tougher to wrIte. I have all my research completed, I hope, and have started but this time around it will be more like closing myself off - no phone, no Facebook - just writing. I need to get cracking. Deadlines are approaching.

Q5) Let’s talk about your new book.  Can you tell us a little about it?

Sure. The main male lead is from Take 2, my first book. He appears briefly. He’s a magician in Las Vegas (guess who he’s based off of) and not very likable. But there is a woman who will win his heart and soften him up a bit.
Alexandra Daniels is a forty-something, hard-working mom, wife and employee. Her life has been plodding along at a snails pace and she’s longing for excitement. She wins a trip to her favorite talk show in New York, the Veronica Becker Show, and it just so happens the actor of her dreams is a guest, Derek Dunbar! Is Alex’s life about to change?

Derek Dunbar is Scottish, an actor and a hunk! Every woman in America drools after him. He has his pick of women but stinks at relationships. At forty, is he longing for a more meaningful relationship? Does he even know how to have one? Is he willing to make the effort or will it just be too complicated?

Available at: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Q6) How did you come up with the idea for this story?

After writing about Tristen Bane in Take 2, I thought he needed a story of his own. I’ve had a few people ask me to give them more. He’s a bit dark so this book will be very different from my first, still a romance but hopefully not as predictable.

Q7) What is up next for you?

I have a few more books in the works - an artist will appear in the book I am currently working on and he’ll get his own book. There is also a musician and a rancher. Then there are two eroticas I’ve been working on with a partner (and a pen name - Addison Murray) and a chick lit for the future. I will eventually have a non-fiction about the adoption and raising of my daughter. Lots to do.

Q8) What is the best piece of advice you would give to a budding writer?

Don’t give up. If the idea is in your head, put it to paper. You never know if you’ll become the next big thing. And blog! Its great practice!

Q9) What is the next book on your To Read Pile that you are dying to jump into?

Wow! I have so many! I really want to read Medusa by Sasha Summers but I’m finishing   Bertha Size Your Life by Jane Carroll right now. I also want to start reading the Gabriel series by Daniel Silva. Too many books and not enough free time!

Q10) Is there anything else you would like to add?

Take 2 has been out in ebook on Amazon since Dec 26. It will be coming out in paperback soon. If you’ve read it, please leave a review. Authors love to get reviews!


Favorite Quiz

Favorite city: Las Vegas ! I love to people watch!

Favorite beverage: Coffee!!!!!

Favorite place you’d like to visit: Scotland! It is #1 on my bucket list!!
Favorite place to write: Outside, about 70 degrees, light breeze. If you know a place, invite me!

Favorite hobby: Cooking! Love to try new recipes!

Favorite movie: Oh that’s hard - How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, Legally Blonde (great quotes), Sweet Home Alabama, and the Harry Potter series.

Favorite book: Edgar Allen Poe (my first horror story read in Jr High)

Take 2 is Linda Bolton’s first novel is available on Amazon. When she’s not writing, she is a GiGi, playing with her new granddaughter Z, and working full-time. While working on a future projects Linda can be found:


1 comment:

  1. I like the sound of TAKE 2, especially the fact the the main characters have a few years on them.



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