Sunday, 31 March 2013

#Read Unbound #SexySnippets Blood Bar Chronicles #Paranormal

Happy Sunday, everyone. Welcome back to the Sexy Snippets blog hop hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers.

The idea is for writers to post a 7-sentence snippet from your work-in-progress or published work and share the post using the hashtag #sexysnippets. You are welcome to join in, just go to to sign up for the next hop.

I've taken my snippet from my paranormal romance story Unbound featured in the just released Blood Bar Chronicles - The Enforcers anthology. I hope you enjoy it.

He tilted her face so she could look into his eyes. She stared at him as if seeing him for the first time, as if truly understanding. His gut tightened as his heart pounded.
"So what have you been doing all this while?" She lifted her hand and touched his face lightly, tentatively.
Warmth surrounded his heart, desire stirring in his gut. He pushed his face into her palm, relishing her caress.
Here's the blurb: 


When workaholic high-flying career lawyer Tara Woji meets up with old friends at the blood bar in Edinburgh she doesn’t realise the danger lurking in the shadows for her. M’na is a chi, a gatekeeper whose duty is to protect the humans. Tara is his assignment. As the shadows deepen and darkness comes to claim her, he will do whatever it takes to protect her including doing the one thing that releases her powers – unbinding her heart.

Available in eBook now from: Breathless Press and All Romance eBooks
Leave a comment, share your thoughts and remember to check out the other Sexy Snippets this week.

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  1. Beautifully sensuous as always, Kiru :-)

  2. perfect... so looking forward to the book

  3. Sensual scene. Love it x Can't wait to see this antho out!

  4. Oooh the snippet was sensual and the book description tantalizing.

  5. Great snippet, can't wait to read more.

  6. Lovely snippet and the story description sounds promising!

  7. Sensually, erotically delicious.


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