Thursday, 31 January 2013

Thrusty Thursday: Masks of a Tiger @mamaD8 #BookReview

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Thrusty Thursday. I’ve been trying to catch up with my To-Be-Read pile and this week I've got another book to recommend.

Disclaimer: No favours have been exchanged for these reviews. 

Masks of a Tiger by Doris O’Connor 

Tags: paranormal, erotica, BDSM, interracial 


Neeve doesn't understand why any normal person would choose to wear a collar like a common house pet. So, the collaring ceremony of her best friend's sister-in-law is the last place she wants to be, even if the hot men watching her send her insides aflame.

Never one for missing the opportunity to teach a bratty sub manners, Grisha intends to show the fiery little redhead the error of her ways. He doesn't expect to see her drawn to the flame like the proverbial moth. When she hurts herself in ways that even a Dom of his experience finds hard to witness, he knows he needs to help her.

Will their sexual chemistry be enough to chase away their demons and burn away their masks? Or is the submission Grisha demands too much for Neeve to accept?

My Review:

Some characters are so larger-than-life that they take on a life of their own. Grisha is one of those. If you’ve read any of the previous Club Ink series by Doris O’Connor, you would have met him as a secondary character and I’m sure never forgotten him. I’m so glad the author decided to give him his own story.

And I’ve got to say, I love him. What’s not to love about this black Russian? Yes, you read that right. He’s a black Russian with blond hair who shifts into a Siberian tiger and he’s as dominant as they come. Yummy.

Neeve, on the other hand, is a girl loaded with attitude. She also has a troubled past and once you understand that, it’s easy to empathise with her. In fact I could understand why she has some of her prejudices even if I didn’t agree with the way she ‘announced’ them. She certainly needed someone to stuff her mouth shut. J

Grisha and Neeve are very well matched. Neeve, despite her prejudices, has to submit to Grisha albeit for the short term so she can finally let go of her past. Grisha, despite outward appearances, is a Dom with a heart. Ultimately for me, in a BDSM story that’s what matters to me. I don’t care too much for the sexual interplay as much as I do about the emotional relationship between the participants.

Don’t get me wrong. Of course I read BDSM stories for the raunchy sex scenes. They are a given, part of the territory. I expect them in this kind of story. But this isn’t hardcore BDSM erotica. This is a lighter version and there’s a thin line between this and erotic romance. The only difference is that there is no guaranteed happy-ever-after.

However, the author worked well in building a story where the characters really connected emotionally and I could witness the two of them falling for each other. In the end, I could believe these two would be happy together at least in the short term.

My Verdict

This is a great emotional, erotic read. Just what the doctor ordered for a Sunday afternoon.

My Recommendation

Buy it. Read it. Keep it.

My Rating

Here’s where I got my copy: Amazon UK

If you'd like a more varied recommendation of books, check out my Love & Romance in Color column in the Night Owl Review's January magazine.

So what are you reading at the moment? Share.

I'm currently looking out for good romance novels or novellas with multicultural/interracial theme. Feel free to comment and recommend one.


  1. Hi Kiru!

    I love Masks of a Tiger, and all of the Club Ink books. Doris knows I have a little crush on Grisha so I was so happy when book 3 was about him!

    Great review


    1. Awh, Dee, you're not the only one. Grisha holds a special place in my heart. He was such fun to write.

  2. Wow, Kiru. Thanks so much for this fab review :-D

    1. You're welcome, Doris! Masks of a Tiger was fun to read. I might just be reading it again soon. ;)


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