Thursday, 3 January 2013

Looking Ahead & Loving It Q1

Welcome to 2013! I hope you all had a great time over the holidays. I’ve got a few things lined up for the first quarter of the year. You are all invited to be part of them.


Island Bound my contemporary romance set in Brass Island, Nigeria is out 8 January. It’s the debut novella for the new Ubuntu line by Decadent Publishing. I’m mighty excited about my book launching the new venture focusing on African romance.

To find out more about Island Bound and read an excerpt, click here.

To find out about submitting to the new Ubuntu line, click here


I’m the new Love & Romance in Color columnist over at Night Owl Reviews. I took over from the lovely Delaney Diamond. This is a monthly column featuring romance books with people of color in a multicultural setting and/ or in interracial relationships. My first column titled Ring in The New Year in Color is out 15 January.

I’m currently planning the next column featuring Valentine books for February. Feel free to recommend a book either by sending me an email or by leaving a comment on my blog.


You are invited to join in the Heartbreakers Valentine blog hop hosted by Carrie Ann Blog Hops from February 8 to 11. There will be loads of goodies on offer including gift cards and books. On my blog I’ll be sharing one of my favourite heartbreaker/heartthrob as well as giving away goodies. See you then.


To celebrate Valentine’s why not immerse yourself in a sensual novella with a heartthrob hero and feisty heroine. When two strong characters collide, passion explodes in A Valentine Challenge. At only 99cents, what are you waiting for?

Visit my website for the blurb and an excerpt.


I’m currently scheduling dates for Guest Authors for 2013. If you write sensual romance and would like to have your post featured on my blog, then contact me. I happily give away copies of eBooks from my guest authors to readers who leave a comment on each post via a prize draw. It’s my way of giving back to my readers by introducing them to a new author or book to them at my expense. If you’re an author with an eBook coming out this quarter or at any other time later this year, feel free to contact me.


Last but not least, this first quarter of 2013 sees the arrival of baby T number 3, so you can imagine how busy and exciting the next few weeks are for me and my family. I won’t be online as frequently as I’ve been in the past. But I’ll definitely pop in and share the good news when baby arrives via Facebook and Twitter.

Wishing you all the best of 2013. I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. Please forward to a friend.




  1. Congratulations on all the plans and success. I follow Night Owl reviews. I think that's awesome you'll be a columnist there.

  2. WOW! So much great news and lots going on for your Kiru. Looking forward to pics of Baby T as well!

  3. Wishing you all that's good for this year. Congrats on the addition to your family and your new gig.


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