Monday, 14 January 2013

Meet Synithia Williams #authortoreaders @SynithiaW

Happy Monday, folks! Today I'm excited to be chatting with Synithia Williams, author of contemporary African-American Romance on my blog. 
I'm personally giving away to one lucky commenter an eBook of Worth A Wait published by Crimson Romance, so be sure to leave a comment.

Synithia and I have been catching up on what she'd been doing and this is what she had to say.


Q1) Can you tell us a little about yourself
Sure! I’ve been a writer for years, but didn’t pursue it until I saw a friend quit her job and go to law school. I figured if she could do that, then I could finish a book. So that’s what I did in 2010 and still can’t believe I am published. When not writing, I work on sustainability programs in the Midlands of South Carolina. I’m married with two boys (love being the queen of my castle). And when I’m alone with myself I’m usually vegging out in front of the television watching miniseries on Netflix.

Q2) Have you always wanted to be an author?
I have, and in the back of my mind figured that one day I’d do it. I needed the kick in the pants in 2010 to really get me going.

Q3) Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?
Man, I have so many favorite writers: Beverly Jenkins, Laura Lee Gurhkie, Adrienne Byrd, and J. R. Ward to name a few. All have influenced me in some way. Whenever I read a phrase in one of their books that touches me, I try to figure out how and why it had that affect and work to mirror tapping into those emotions in my own writing.

Q4) Can you tell us what a typical writing day for you is like. 
My typical writing day doesn’t start until 8:30 or 9:00 at night. I catch up on blogs and social media before diving into my current work in progress. I write at my kitchen table, usually with noise from the television in the background. On weekends, I may get a few words in while my boys are napping.

Q5) Let’s talk about your new book.  Can you tell us a little about it?
After Tasha Smith is dumped yet again because of her virginity, decides it’s time to stop saving herself for marriage and start dating like women in the twenty-first century. She sets out to find a man rumored to be good enough in bed to relieve her of the nuisance, but discreet enough to keep her request a secret. Jared Patterson seems like the perfect candidate. Yet after one searing kiss, she wonders if she’ll escape the night unscathed.

Jared’s job as a successful fitness instructor and entrepreneur has helped him keep a string of meaningless relationships from the east to the west coast. After learning the hard way that women can’t be trusted, he has no qualms going from one sex only relationship to the next. Although Tasha is one of the few types of women he avoids—a good girl—the man in him can’t turn down her tempting offer.
What starts out as a onetime thing quickly turns into an affair neither want to stop. But when an unexpected situation drastically alters their relationship, it leaves them both asking if it was Worth the Wait.

Q6) How did you come up with the idea for this story?
I introduced Jared in my first novel, You Can’t Plan Love. He was so against relationships that I had to delve more into the reason why. I wanted the complete opposite for him, and that’s where I got the idea for Tasha. But I went for a different spin on the older virgin angle. I imagine it would be hard for a virgin to date in 2013. Telling a guy the one way he’ll make it to your bedroom is by marrying you must put a lot of pressure on a first date. So, I made that situation a frustrating point for Tasha and the reason why she sought out Jared to be her first.

Q7) What is up next for you?
I just forwarded my third book, A Heart to Heal, to my editor at Crimson. The characters in this novel are introduced in Worth the Wait and I hope that comes to light soon. In the meantime, I finished the first book in a new family series that I’ll be shopping around to publishers soon.

Q8) What is the best piece of advice you would give to a budding writer?
Learn all you can and keep writing. I started Worth the Wait before signing a contract for You Can’t Plan Love, because I was determined that if no one liked my first book I’d have a second waiting to send.

Q9) What is the next book on your To Read Pile that you are dying to jump into?
I’m still looking for a good paranormal that involves a sorcerer. If anyone has suggestions please let me know.

Q10) Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you for having me on your blog today! I enjoyed your questions and hope your readers enjoyed getting to know me! Folks can keep up with me on Facebook ( Twitter ( or on my website (

Favorite Quiz
Favorite city: Ahh, so many: Charleston, SC, Asheville, NC, Savannah, GA, Atlanta, GA and Charlotte, NC

Favorite beverage: Tie: cabernet and coffee

Favorite place you’d like to visit: London

Favorite place to write: My kitchen table

Favorite hobby: Trying my hand at gardening and composting.

Favorite movie: Pride and Prejudice (miniseries with Colin Firth)

Favorite book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


Remember to leave a comment for your chance to win an eBook of Worth A Wait. Also leave an email address so I can contact you if you win.  Entries close Friday 18 January 2013.


  1. That was a great interview Synithia. Great advice for new writers about learning and writing. Worth the Wait sounds interesting. I'll definitely put it on my to read pile.

  2. Thanks, Nana! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview!

  3. Lovely interview and the book sounds great too. All the best!

  4. Great interview!
    Thanks for the favs quiz, we get to know more of Synithia the person versus the author...
    This book is on my wish list. Maybe i'll get it for my b'day (1/18)...


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Chynarey! I like doing the favs, even though I can't ever stick with just one :-)

  5. Thanks for the interview, it was fun!


  6. Hi, Kiru and Synithia,
    Interesting premise for a book. Definitely agree with the advice to keep learning and writing.

  7. Synithia, after reading You Can't Plan Love I am truly looking forward to your new book. Great interview! Keep on writing!

  8. Synithia, after reading You Can't Plan Love I am truly looking forward to your new book. Great interview! Keep on writing!

  9. And we have a winner... Emily. Congratulations! An email is on it's way to you.


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