Sunday, 7 February 2016

He beamed a bone-melting smile #sexysnippets #asmsg Bound To Ransom #comingsoon

Welcome back to sexy snippets. This is a fun weekly meme where we share 7 sentences from a published book or work in progress. Feel free to join us by adding your sexy snippets post link HERE or check out the page on Facebook or Twitter.

This week I'm excited to bring you a snippet from my upcoming book, Bound to Ransom (Bound Series, book 2), which I'm currently writing. This is still in a first draft so pardon any errors.

“Gloria, come on in,” Henry said in a cheery voice.
James had been right. She barely recognised Henry. He was wearing a suit, a navy blue two piece that looked like he’d been to Saville Row and had measured and sewn to fit him exactly.
Her breath caught and she nearly stumbled. He looked so edible.
He beamed a bone-melting smile as he stood up and walked toward her.
Her cheeks heated and she hoped to avoid him by walking in the other direction but he intercepted her and placed his hand on her shoulder stopping her movement. Her breath caught as her skin electrified on contact.

Want more? Leave me a comment and come back next week.
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In the meantime check out these other sexy snippets.

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