Sunday, 30 November 2014

The addict in him craved her #SexySnippets #ASMSG Riding Rebel #comingsoon

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers.
This week I'm bringing you more from Riding Rebel, my current WIP. This scene explains itself. It is a little longer than seven sentences to give the scene context. Enjoy.

He would just take a shower, grab a change of clothes and bunk down on one of the sofas. He pushed his bedroom door open and his whole body stilled. Warm air greeted his skin, the AC in the room seemingly switched off. One of the side table lamps emitted grey diffused light illuminating Rita who lay on her side, one arm tucked under the pillow that held her head. Asleep, she looked so small and delicate on his massive bed. But what got his attention was the t-shirt she was wearing—his t-shirt. It covered most of her body, except the stretch of her slender legs and curves of chocolate skin over her thighs.
His stood there, making no move to go further into the room and his heart thudded in his chest, sending a rush of blood south and hardening his dick. He licked his lips, his fingers clenched by his sides, although he itched to mould and caress and explore all of her body.
The addict in him craved her and he wasn't sure that if he took a step inside the room he'd be able to walk past her without going straight to where she laid.
I hope you enjoyed it. Leave me a comment and check out these fab sexy snippets

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

He was ready to fight monsters for her #MidWeekTease #ASMSG Riding Rebel #comingsoon

Happy Hump Day and welcome back to Mid-Week Tease hosted by the lovely Sandra Bunino.

This week we are back with Tony and Rita in Riding Rebel as I rush to complete my WIP before the end of November. Can I write 20,000 words in 4 days? Come back next week and find out.

In the meantime I give you a teaser from RR. Just before this scene, Rita revealed to Tony that her boyfriend had hit her because she'd been in Tony's hotel room. Tony is livid about this and then the said boyfriend shows up.

This is an unedited draft. Enjoy.

Tony's mouth slackened and he blinked at a rapid fire rate. "You've got to be kidding me. This asshole hit you and you want me to leave you alone with him. Not going to happen."
Leaning back, he scrutinised Rita's face although she refused to meet his gaze. Despite the shadowed street, he made out her trembling lips. She was frightened. He could swear it. Shit. He reached for her shoulders.
She took another step backward and stepped into the beam of light from the car headlamps. "Tony, please don't make it worse for me," her voice sounded so small and tight.
His gut tightened and he wanted to haul her back into his arms. Wanted to shield her from anything that would hurt her.
Doesn't that include you, Tony? Aren't you going to hurt her? Who is going to protect her from you?
He shook off the niggling voice in his head.
The car stopped beside the building, the other side of where Freddie had parked his motorbike. Tony's bodyguard was already at attention watching the car and the occupant and providing a barrier between whoever was in there and Tony. This was part of his job. But today Tony wished he didn't have that barrier because he wanted to have a go at the new arrival himself. Give the man a dose of his own medicine.
Feet planted apart, all his muscles tensed as he waited. His hands balled into fists at his sides as his veins throbbed in his temple.
A dark-skinned man in a white shirt and dark trousers stepped out of the red car. Since he was behind the beam of light, Tony couldn’t see his facial features immediately.
"Rita. Is that you? What are you doing out here?" The newcomer stepped into the light and stared from Freddie to Rita to Tony, his expression and tone of voice harsh.
Older than the three of them, perhaps in his mid-thirties, the man stood large, not as tall as Tony or Freddie but wider and definitely bigger than Rita. She was really a tiny girl compared to the men surrounding her at the moment. Tony's fury rose at how anyone would want to take advantage of her vulnerability like her boyfriend did. Moreover, he was a man who should know better, not a boy.
"Yes, it's me. I'm just getting home. Welcome, Anayo." Her voice trembled a little and Tony noted she didn't make a move toward the man who had just arrived.
Good. He didn't think he could bear it if she walked into the man's arms just moments after she'd been in his arms. As it was, he didn't even want the man anywhere near her. Shit. This was so messed up already. And he wasn't even involved with her. Couldn't be involved with her. Still here he was, dropping her off home and ready to fight monsters for her.
"Why are you outside with these men?" The man's harsh voice got louder and Tony took a step forward involuntarily. He so wanted to knock the living daylights out of the man.
"Ehm, this is Tony Essien. I told you I had an appointment with him today. It was so late when we finished and he brought me home."
"Is that so?" The man eyed Tony and then Freddie.
"Yes, it is," Tony cut in. "I wanted to make sure she got home safely, something that her so called boyfriend should be doing." He couldn’t resist having a dig.
"Look Mr whatever –your-name-is I don't need you to tell me how to treat my girlfriend." Anayo sneered at him. "We get on just fine without you. Rita, get inside the house. Now."
She gave him one last frightened look over her shoulder before rushing through the side pedestrian gate. Tony was glad she was out of earshot and he strode up to her boyfriend and stood in front of him, blocking his entrance.
"You should treat women a lot better, mister," Tony said as he towered over the man making himself appear much bigger. His fists itched to connect with the face of the man in front on him. In therapy, he'd been taught techniques to control his temper. And he struggled to apply any of them now. "You should be honoured that a beautiful girl like her gave you her time."
"What are you talking about? Get out of my way," Anayo replied in a condescending tone.
Bam. Tony's fist connected with flesh and bones on the man's chin.  Anayo cried out and fell with a dull thump onto the bonnet of the car. Tony shook out his right hand. It hurt like hell but seeing the cowering asshole of a man made the pain worthwhile.

Tony is certainly an act first, talk later kind of man. What do you think? Leave me a comment and check out these fabulous mid-week teasers.

And Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Top Ten facts about Dream Across Time #book @CRMoss @EvernightPub

Happy Monday! Today, I have the lovely C.R. Moss visiting to talk about her new book and series. Please make her feel welcome. Over to you, CR.

Thank you for having me. I want to share the Top Ten for Dream Across Time and the Raritan Manor Ranch series.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Love cowboys? Check out-The Best Part of Breaking Up by @AlannahHarte #Book #Giveaway

I'm mighty excited to have friend and fellow author, +Alannah Harte  on my blog today. Alannah writes beautifully sexy books. She is one of my favourite authors and I think it's a great shame she doesn't write many stories. Trust me you'll love her latest book, The Best Part of Breaking Up, an erotic contemporary western romance.
Leave a comment below for your chance to win a FREE copy of her book.


Rafe McGraw is a tough rancher who spends his time farming a wild and untamable cattle ranch in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Jenna Davidson is bright, feisty, and not afraid of a little hard work. She's not going to let anyone get in the way of her dream to be a flying vet.

Rafe has cattle to get certified for export by the flying vet during his cattle muster. He is expecting his usual vet to show up but the person getting off the plane is not what he expects.

Jenna has encountered all kinds of farmers and their attitudes since starting her job, but the gorgeous, sulking, arrogant grazer is a definite challenge. If that means flying in a week of living outdoors with a sexy grazer growling at her, then she's up for it.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Just say the words #SexySnippets #ASMSG Riding Rebel #comingsoon

Welcome to Sexy Snippets hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers where writers share seven sentences from their work-in-progress or published book. Feel free to join us by signing up here.

Sorry, I missed last week's post. It was one hectic weekend. I went to this author event on Saturday, caught up with some friends and got home pretty late/early Sunday morning. It was my first night away from baby, so I went a little overboard. LOL. So Sunday was spent chilling and I totally forgot SS.

Anyway, we are back with Tony and Rita from Riding Rebel this week and things are sizzling between them. It's unedited. Enjoy.

"Say it."
Her eyes widened like saucers and she shook her head.
"Not going to work, baby." He leaned back, butt-on-heels, hands resting of her spread thighs. "If you want me to eat your pussy, you have to say it."
"Please don't make me say it," she said in a low husky voice, whispers of feathers on his aching flesh. Her brown eyes held heat, molten pools of chocolate and he knew she liked him talking dirty to her. Only her sense of decorum prevented her from using the words.
"Baby, just say the words and I promise I'll make you come like you've never come before."
"I've never had an orgasm before." Her words came in a rushed breathy sound.


Sexy, right? Leave me a comment and check out these fab sexy snippets

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Why should he care? #MidWeekTease #ASMSG Riding Rebel #comingsoon

Welcome back to mid-week tease hosted by the lovely Sandra Bunino, where we share excerpts from our work-in-progress or published books.

So I'm continuing from my current WIP, Riding Rebel, book 3 of the Essien trilogy. Last week, Rita walked away from Tony. But he isn't letting her stay away for too long.

If you've read the first two books of this series, you'll know from the teasers so far that Tony is not as reserved as Felix or as diplomatic as Mark. His is way too frank and explicit for his own good. LOL.

Be warned, this excerpt contains strong language.

Enjoy. It is unedited.


Tony pocketed his phone and stalked over to where Petersen stood with Rita.
"You are hugging the best looking girl at the party all to yourself, Kris." Despite the fact the man was probably double his age, Petersen has insisted Tony address him as Kris the first time they'd met at his restaurant. Tony had like that the man wasn't hung up on deferential monikers.
"Ah, Tony. We were just talking about you." Kris lips curled in a broad smile as he looked from Tony to Rita. "She is beautiful, isn't she?"
"Very," Tony replied, his gaze intent on Rita as she glared at him for a heartbeat and then lowered her gaze. He should ask what they'd been saying about him. But he didn't care. He wanted Rita. "I'm going to have to steal her away—" he paused so that his words would sink in and added "—for a few moments."
"Is that so?" Kris asked but he didn't sound upset for a man who'd just been told his girlfriend was going to be taken by another man. "There's no need to steal, Tony. She'd just been telling me you invited her to auditions and..." his shoulders lifted in a shrug. "I like you very much. So I'd gladly share her with you. Just take care of her."
"What? I don't want to go with him." Rita pleaded in a low voice.
"You'll be alright, my dear. Tony will take care of you, won't you?" Kris took Rita's hand and passed it over Tony.
"Of course, I will," Tony replied. Something about the way Petersen had passed Rita off so easily rankled. He'd heard stories about Petersen's sex parties. Two of the girls that worked at Reams, his bar/restaurant had been talking about attending one. Apparently Petersen wasn't averse to sharing his women. So there was nothing new with sharing Rita.
Tony's nose flared and he glared at Rita who only gave him a wide-eyed expression as he grabbed her hand and strode out of the ballroom.
If Rita belonged to him, he would be punching any man who dared to try to steal her.
Then again. Why should he care? Rita didn't belong to him and he wasn't about to claim her for more than the night.
If orgies were her thing, he didn't care, dammit.
His grip on her arm tightened and he increased his pace as they headed down the lobby to the lifts. She stumbled. He swivelled, grasped her shoulder and pulled her into him to save her from falling over. He'd forgotten she was tottering on sky-high-heeled shoes. He really shouldn’t be such a bastard no matter how pissed off he was at the situation.
His panting breath mingled with hers. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," she whispered in a breathy voice, surprisingly subdued.
The urge to kiss her rose, making his mouth moist and his fingers tingle. But they were in the middle of the lobby with prying eyes and mobile phone cameras. Tomorrow it would be splashed all over the internet that he had a new girlfriend. Usually he didn't care. However, the Essiens had been in the news for the wrong reasons lately and their PR guru had warned them to keep a low profile for now.
He tilted her head up so she had to look into his eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes met his hesitantly. "I'm going to call the lift and go up to my room. It's your choice if you want to come up or not."
"What..." She sucked in a breath as if gathering strength to say what she needed. "What do you want from me?"
"I want to fuck you," he said in low voice meant for her ears only.


I did warn you. Seriously, having Tony Essien in my head makes me feel like I'm in my 20s again. LOL.
Leave me a comment and check out these fabulous mid-week teasers

Monday, 10 November 2014

Will one kiss seal their love? Kiss My Lips by @StellaEA #Interracial #Giveaway

Happy Monday, sweeties. I have the lovely +Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku  on my blog today with her latest book, Kiss My Lips. Check out the excerpt and enter the Gift Card giveaway.

Title: Kiss My Lips
Series: Holiday Series, #2
Genre: Romance/Contemporary/Multicultural/Interracial
ISBN: 978-1502776549 (Paperback)
Publication Date: Wednesday 29th October 2014
Cover Artist: Love Bites And Silk

Kiss My Lips (Holiday Series Book 2) is a sequel to
Stolen Valentine Kiss (Holiday Series Book 1).
 Add to Goodreads

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

She would burn up on the spot #MidWeekTease #ASMSG Riding Rebel #comingsoon

Welcome back to mid-week tease hosted by the lovely Sandra Bunino, where we share excerpts from our work-in-progress or published books.

This week we are back with the Essiens, from my current WIP, Riding Rebel, book 3 of the Essien trilogy. This follows on from the scene where Rita Dike meets Tony Essien. The awkward moment has passed and they are getting on. But Tony seems to know how to push her buttons.

Enjoy. It is unedited.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Who is my hero? Celebrating my mother's bravery #WhyIStayed She didn't

Thank you to the lovely Joy L. Campbell for organising this little blog hop where we celebrate our heroes. My post is longer than 300 words. But I hope you don't mind.

So who is my hero? A hero is described as someone with exceptional courage and strength. There are a few people who fit this description but today I would like to focus on the one person that immediately comes to mind.

My mother.

She is a woman whom I consider quite courageous and has displayed exceptional resilience.
Let me give you some background. I grew up in Enugu, Nigeria at a time when being married was a very important status for women. Women stayed in unhappy or destructive marriages because leaving their marital homes was considered abhorrent, almost a taboo. Even abused women who left their husbands were persuaded by their own families to go back and 'grin and bear it.' Most churches had a 'zero tolerance' policy when it came to divorce.
The Romance Reviews