Wednesday, 11 November 2015

It wasn’t the most exciting place in the world #MidWeekTease #ASMSG #AmWriting #NaNoWriMo

Welcome back to Mid Week Tease, hosted by the lovely Sandra Bunino, where we tease you with excerpts from stories we're writing or already have published.

So for today's teaser I'm continuing from where we left off at last week's mid-week tease taken from Worthy my current WIP. This is a first draft and unedited. I hope you enjoy it.

“Am I really doing the right thing?” Tessa asked, her tight grip on the rucksack handle making it cut into her palm.

“Of course you are," Anuli replied with a quick glance over her left shoulder. "We discussed this, didn’t we? You can’t go to the police. You tried that already.”

Tessa bit the inside of her lower lip. Yes, she'd gone to the police and no one had believed her claim. Her stomach tightened and she struggled not to be sick as she sat on the edge of the bed. “I know we did. But running away to Portharcourt?”

She lived in the small town of Okigwe. It was nothing more than a dusty motorway town that happened to have a university campus on its periphery. It wasn’t the most exciting place in the world but it was all she knew.

*** Hope you enjoyed the teaser. Come back next week for more.
In the meantime, you can check out these other mid-week teasers.

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