Monday, 10 August 2015

The course of true love never did run smooth @MissWishlade #Review #ARancherForRosie

Happy Monday, sweeties. It is with pleasure that I welcome +Molly Wishlade to my blog today on the tour of her latest book, A Rancher for Rosie. 

My Quick Review

I grew up in Nigeria when Spaghetti Westerns were a popular film genre so I always have a fondness for fiction set in the lawless West. And that's what you get with Molly's stories, except she adds a lot of steam to her stories, just the way I like it. So if you've never read her books, The Duggans of Montana series is a good place to start.
I read Harlot at the Homestead and enjoyed it. A Rancher for Rosie steps up to the plate too with characters I loved especially Joshua. He's a man who knew his own mind and didn't deviate from it no matter what anyone else said. Loved that. Loved this book and looking forward to the next one.

Author: +Molly Wishlade 
Title: A Rancher for Rosie
Series: The Duggans of Montana
Number in series: #2
Publisher: Totally Bound 

Finally, as darkness fell, Rosie heard the thundering of horses’ hooves. That had to be the men.
She opened the front door and peered into the night. Sure enough, three horses approached the perimeter fence. Two of the men jumped down from their mounts and hurried toward the house while the third one, Rosie suspected it was Emmett, took the mares over to the barn.
Kenan reached her first.
“Is she…is it…I’ve been so…” He leaned over his knees and gasped for breath.
“Just get inside, you fool. Catherine is well. She’s waiting for you.”
He obeyed and Rosie turned back to the porch.
There he was. Dusty. Tired. Road weary. But as handsome as she remembered.
“Joshua,” she whispered his name then sighed as he took her into his arms. She relaxed against him, allowing his strength and vitality to form their reassuring circle around her.
“Oh Rosie, I’ve missed you so much. Has the baby arrived? Is Catherine well? Each time I’m away, it gets harder I swear.”
You have no idea…
“Yes, Catherine is very well. She and Kenan have a daughter. And how are you?” She pulled out of his embrace and looked at him. Even in the semi-darkness, with his face illuminated only by the light from within the house, his eyes seemed intense as the sky on a clear summer’s day. They burned into her, reaching down inside her and igniting her passion for him. But this would not do. She had to end this. She had to divorce herself from her feelings for him so that she could bid him farewell.
She did. It was true.
But an idea began to form. She would tell Joshua that they had no future, that he should leave and never return. But she could allow herself something before she severed their ties. Why not? If she was to experience a lifetime of suffering, an eternity of heartbreak in a cold, lonely bed, then she could give herself something first…some sweet memories to treasure for the rest of her days.

Molly Ann Wishlade has always been an avid reader and writer of stories. She regularly indulges her love of romance and passion by getting lost in the delicious worlds created by romantic novelists. When not reading, she's busy with her current WIP, usually her next highly erotic tale about sexy and saucy cowboys and their lady loves - and sometimes their gorgeous male lovers too.
She wants to take readers on the rollercoaster that is life through the creation of vivid characters, relationships and worlds.
She loves to hear from readers.

Twitter: @misswishlade

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