Thursday, 13 August 2015

Exciting news! Kiru Taye books are #comingsoon to #audiobooks

Happy Thursday, sweeties.
I've been quiet for a few weeks as the kids are home on holiday and so much effort goes into keeping them entertained.

I'm not writing as much as I'd like at the moment but so much has been happening in Kiru world that I've got some good news.

It is with pleasure that I announce that I've just signed an agreement to produce my books into audiobook format. I'm a great fan of audio books as they provide flexibility since you don't have to sit or lie in a spot to listen to them. I can listen in the car while driving, or with my headsets at the gym during a workout or at home while doing house chores.

So I'm super excited to have my books in this format. The first book, Keeping Secrets is scheduled to be ready in October 2015. I really can't wait. So watch this space for more news.

In the meantime, did you see that I got mentioned in The Guardian a few weeks ago? If you haven't read the article about Nigerian erotica, go check it out.

Have a great weekend.
Kiru xx

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