Monday, 9 March 2015

Meet Marissa and Cade from Rescuing Cade by @ElodieParkes #characterinterview

Welcome to the blog Marissa and Cade from ‘Rescuing Cade’ by +Elodie Parkes .

Marissa, we’ll start with you. Tell us about yourself and the book you star in.
The book is titled, ‘Rescuing Cade’. It’s an erotic romance, it’s contemporary, and set in a riverside, modern city. I get to have lots of yummy sex with someone who visits the club I belong to. Not right away of course, but soon…he’s just so deliciously gorgeous and sexy. I want him the minute I set eyes on him. That could be destiny at work I guess. I’m in my twenties. I work in an advertising agency at the time you meet me. The story is about me and the hero coming to terms with our demons I guess. Cade is very special. He’s sexy and yet sensitive, very forgiving and giving.
Cade interjects here
You’re special, too. Readers, she’s pretty, intelligent, creative, sexy, and has loads of integrity.
Marissa leans over and kisses Cade. I love you.
I’m about to ask them another question, but…Cade Grabs her and kisses her softly before replying so I’m just hanging around here.
Damn right, and I love you.
They grin at me so better ask another question.

Will we read any other stories with you two starring in there?
Marissa: No, I don’t think so. Although here’s a little gossip, I’ve heard Patti is getting her own story.
That’s interesting. Cade kisses Patti in ‘Rescuing Cade.’ How do you feel about that?
Marissa: It brings us together. I’m over it because I understand what was happening now. Cade told me everything.
Cade: Honestly, it was like kissing a friend. I did it to please her and finish the scene. All the time I was looking for Marissa.
We believe you Cade. Tell the readers, and we won’t say anything, to her, what do you think of the author’s take on you both?
Cade: She wrote our story the way we told her and it reflects the love I feel for Marissa. We’re captured well I think.
Marissa: I think she captured Cade exactly, alpha with a huge soft spot. He’s a gentleman.
Cade: Alpha? Am I?
You get the chance to have the author change your names what will they be?
Cade: I wouldn’t like that. My name’s Cade. Why would she change it? Marissa is a lovely name. (Now he pulls Marissa off her chair and onto his lap. She cuddles against him. This is worrying. If they start making out I’m leaving.)
Marissa: I actually like my name, too.
Give up three of your deepest, darkest secrets. (Cade stops tracing his fingers up and down Marissa’s arm to answer.)
Cade: You’re kidding. Why would I do that? They’re secrets.
(His blue eyes are boring into me now, and then he grins.)
Okay, I love chocolate cake. I have to keep that a secret or ladies at work bake them for me and then I have to do heaps more at the gym. I sing in the shower. I have a guitar and sometimes write a few bars of music.
Marissa smiles.
It’s quite good. Don’t ask for my secrets because I’m not telling you anything. There’s enough in the story about me.
(Cade, kisses her ear, and whispers something to her.

Well, what do you love best about yourself, Marissa?
My hair if it’s a physical thing, and if not, then, I am a kind person really.
What do you like least?
I’d rather not say. (Glances at Cade’s face and quietly points at her butt.)

What about you, Cade?
I’m happy enough as I am.
How do you feel about the book you’re in? Cade answers.
I like it. It’s sexy. It’s a love story, our love story. There’s a twinge of sadness in there to begin with when you hear the background for why I go to the club with my friend, but that’s the whole basis for the story. I was worried people might think the worse about The Club and me actually going there, but so far readers are enjoying the story.
Can you share one of your favorite parts of the book without giving too much away and tell us why you chose it?
Marissa: Okay, it has to be a tender scene for me. What about you, Cade?
Cade: Definitely.
Her chosen excerpt, 18+ rated
Mentioning the kisses must have been the right thing to say, because Cade’s expression lightened. He lifted her hands to his mouth and kissed her fingertips.
Marissa savored the swell of his lips under her fingers. She stood on tiptoe to press her mouth to his jaw. Even though she wore very high-heeled shoes, he was easily a head taller than she was. The rasp of stubble as she kissed his cheek sent delicious sparks of sensation tripping down to her nipples. They hardened and her breasts grew heavy. She wanted his mouth on her nipples, sucking, and his hands on her breasts, kneading.
He gently brought her hands down by her sides, and softly held her around the waist. He gazed into her eyes as he bent his head to her mouth.
The eye contact alone had Marissa’s pussy creaming again, so that when he touched his lips to hers, spikes of desire flew up her stomach and a soft involuntary sound escaped her.
Cade held her tighter, his hands clasping her body as he kissed her.
The contrast between his hard grip on her waist and the softness of his kiss sent Marissa reeling into a fog of lust. She kissed him, greedy for more. Desperation to tear his clothes off him and slide along the length of his body skin to skin, coiled in her lower stomach.
Copyright Elodie Parkes 2015, Evernight Publishing
Cade: That’s sexy. Thank you for choosing it, Marissa, makes me want to take you home to bed. (And yes, he’s nuzzling her neck now…)

Let’s say they make a movie about this book. Who do you want to play you, and why?
Marissa: I’d rather they didn’t.
Cade: Honestly, I’d rather they didn’t. I don’t want any comparisons with a movie that’s been released, because our story is so different.
Cade is busy stroking Marissa’s back as he answers, I think I’d better round up the interview.)

Anything else you’d like to tell us?
Cade: It’s been fun being here. Thank you so much and I hope that you enjoy reading our story.
Marissa: I’ve enjoyed being here, too. Thank you.
I smile. Cade nods his goodbye as he’s standing up, with Marissa in his arms and off they go.

(So much for not being alpha.)

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Connect with Elodie

Elodie Parkes is a British author writing romance, erotic, contemporary, and often with a twist of mystery, paranormal, fantasy, or suspense. Her books are always steamy. Her tag is, Cool stories: Hot love scenes.

Elodie lives in Canterbury with her two dogs. She works in an antique shop by day and writes at night, loving the cloak of silent darkness that descends on the rural countryside around her home.

Elodie writes for, Evernight Siren Hot Ink Press Eternal Press Secret Cravings Ra Jones Anthologies Side Street Cookie Publishing

She has also released titles as an individual indie author.

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