Sunday, 1 March 2015

The need to kiss her overpowered him #SexySnippet #ASMSG #Freebie

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers where we share 7 sentences from a work-in-progress or published book. How sexy? Totally up to you. Join us. Go to the Sexy Snippets page to sign up or visit the page on Facebook.

This week I bring you a snippet from Keeping Secrets. It's 8 sentences instead of 7 but I hope you don't mind. :-)

The need to kiss her overpowered him. On impulse, he settled a hand on her back, pulling her close. With the other, he lifted her chin and lowered his head to meet hers.
Muscles on her back tensed. He massaged her skin like he would a skittish horse before a game of polo. With gentle brushes, he swept his lips across hers. The sealed, luscious pair called him to mine their depths. Instead, he coaxed and stroked and traced them with his tongue from one end to the other, bidding his time.

Click the link to download Keeping Secrets eBook FREE.

I hope you enjoyed this. Check out these sexy snippets

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