Sunday, 2 March 2014

The lips are only the start #SexySnippets Keeping Secrets #theEssiensarecoming

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets. This weekly meme is hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers where we share seven sentences from a published book or work-in-progress. If you're a writer, feel free to join us by signing up at the Sexy Snippets page. Sign up opens every Tuesday and closes midnight every Saturday (UK time).

I got the first round edits back for Keeping Secrets, book 1 of the contemporary romance series The Essien Trilogy about the Essien family business dynasty and follows the exploits of three brothers, Felix, Mark and Tony. This dramatic series is loaded with secrets, scandals and sex.

In Keeping Secrets, you meet Felix and Ebony who have to battle amnesia, personal demons and secrets before they can have a happy ending. This book should be out Spring/Summer 2014. I really can't wait. In the meantime, here is a snippet.

In this scene, Felix promises to kiss Ebony every time she bites her lip. What's a girl to do when a man makes such a promise? Enjoy.

“You do realise I bite my lips a lot, especially when I’m nervous or thinking,” she said, out of breath.
“In which case, I’ll be spending a lot of time kissing your sweet lips better.” Pure masculine enjoyment played on sensuous lips and deep longing unfurled within her.
“We’ll never get anything done.” Her smile widened at the thought of Felix interrupting his planned activities just to kiss her each time she bit her lips.
“On the contrary, I can think of wonderful and pleasurable things we could accomplish together.” He leaned back to sweep his gaze over her body, leaving a trail of heat behind. “The lips are only the start, the rest of you will need attention, too.”

I hope you enjoyed my snippet. Leave me a comment. I love them and I'll return your visit shortly.
Check out the other sexy snippets this week.

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