Thank you to everyone who helped me out last week with my POV dilemma. All your comments were really useful and I decided to settle with 3rd person for the Keeping Secrets manuscript.
Editing continues and I find I'm rewriting huge chunks of the story.I guess it's to be expected. This is the 3rd story I ever wrote. In fact I wrote it before all my currently published books. So it is going through an overhaul in preparation for a release date in late April/early May.
I'm having a cover reveal event on April 4th. If you can help me out with hosting on your blog, please complete the form here. The cover reveal pack will be sent out with HTML, so all you have to do is copy and paste it. If you can help out, I'd be more than grateful.
Here is the draft blurb.
Have you ever loved someone and didn’t even
know it?
That’s the dilemma facing Felix Essien when
he wakes from a coma to find he is married to the most beautiful and sensual
woman he’s ever known. He cannot remember her or their wedding. He who had
sworn never to get married or to give his heart to another. Yet he feels an
intense bond with her that he intends to explore fully.
Ebony can’t believe her good fortune when
her paper husband wakes not remembering the temporary marriage arrangement with
no intimacies he’d proposed but is now the adoring husband she’s always dreamt
of. She plans to make the most of the passion blossoming between them.
However would he still feel that way when he
regains his memory and realises she’s been keeping secrets and their marriage
is not what he thinks it is.
Now for my snippet. I think this scene speaks for itself. I hope you enjoy it.
The soft, regular sound of someone
breathing in sleep caught his attention. In a shadowed corner of the room, Ebony
lay curled up in a chair, elbow crooked under her head on the armrest, the book
she'd been reading discarded on the floor. She looked so fragile, so beautiful
in sleep. For a moment, Felix couldn’t breathe. Something held his heart in a vice.
A smile curled his lips as warmth settled on his shoulders like a blanket.
She'd come to see him, after all.
Leave me your comments and remember to check out the other sexy snippets this week.
Have a great week ahead!
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