This week I've got more snippets from Keeping Secrets. In this scene, Felix has just kissed Ebony for the first time after waking from his coma, but Ebony is less than pleased about it.
I hope you enjoy the snippet. This is still undergoing edits, so please pardon any errors.
punched his gut; scrubbing a hand over his face, he dropped his head and closed
his eyes.
The one-word query torn from his lips, grated over open sores.
lifted and eyes opened, he stared at her stiffened back, her green
gold-embroidered tunic draped over round hips and thighs in skinny black denim.
Those bum cheeks had cushioned his thighs moments ago and staring at them now, his
arousal spiked.
he pulled her back into his arms, would she let him spread her out on the bed
and taste everything she had to offer?
Check out the other Sexy Snippets this week. Happy Mother's Sunday!
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