Monday, 25 February 2013

#Interview Romance meets Urban Fiction @KWalkerbooks #contest

Hello readers. I'm excited to host my very first male author on my blog. Keith Thomas Walker writes romance as well as urban fiction and it's my pleasure to have him as a guest. We've been chatting about writing and his latest book, The Realest Ever

Check it out and join the conversation. Leave a comment for your chance to win an eBook copy of either The Realest Ever or Dripping Chocolate. I'll pick a winner on Friday.


Q1) Can you tell us a little about yourself

Sure.  I’m Keith Thomas Walker, author of eleven novels.  Poetry is my first love, and I still write and perform spoken word poems.  I love food and music.  I spend most of my time on romance novels, but I also write suspense and urban fiction books.  I don’t write street lit, but I’ve been told some of my urban fiction “is what street lit would be like if street lit had a conscious.”  I think that’s a compliment.  Lol.

Q2) Have you always wanted to be an author?

I have wanted to be an author since the fifth grade.  That’s when my English teacher saw something in my poems and encouraged me to really pursue writing.  I also started reading “grown-up” books around that time.  I longed for the day when I could make people feel a myriad of emotions from things I wrote.  I’m still awed each time I achieve that goal.

Q3) Who are some of your favorite writers?  Who do you feel has influenced your writing?

I really like Walter Dean Myers, Walter Mosley and Beverly Jenkins.  But I think Stephen King influenced me the most.  He was the first author that blew my mind.  I learned a lot of the tools I use to build suspense from Mr. King.  Regardless of the genre, suspense is what keeps people turning pages.

Q4) Can you tell us what a typical writing day for you is like. 

I work the night shift at a hospital, and I do a lot of my writing at work, when things get slow.  I’ll eat a light snack when I get to the office, while I’m taking care of my real job responsibilities.  Around midnight I’ll drink my first cup of coffee and pull up the book I’m working on.  Obviously writing at work is not an ideal situation.  I constantly have to stop to do my real job, but somehow I make it work. Take tonight, for instance.  I’ve already had to stop working on these interview questions more than a dozen times – and I’m only on the fourth one!  But I remember exactly where my thoughts were when I return.  When I get home, I edit what I wrote at work.  Sometimes I switch those up, but I typically write more at work.  Thankfully my manager’s cool with it, as long as I don’t neglect my real work.

Q5) Let’s talk about your new book.  Can you tell us a little about it?

The Realest Ever is the story of Donovan and Kyra, two best friends from elementary school who are separated when they reach high school.  Kyra returns to Texas fifteen years later, and she’s eager to reconnect with her best bud.  Their friendship is what makes their relationship so special.  Donovan has always cared for Kyra.  Even as a child, he tried to protect Kyra from her awful home environment.  When Kyra returns as an adult, her life is still in turmoil.  Donovan is eager to resume his role as her hero, so to speak.  But should the best friends get romantically involved?  They did kiss once, a long time ago…

Q6) How did you come up with the idea for this story?

I’m not sure where the idea developed, but I’ve always wanted to write about best friends who were male and female.  I went a little deeper with that theme because Kyra had serious problems at home when she was a child.  Donovan was her only source of hope and love – which was a huge burden considering he was only in the fourth grade when they met.

Q7) What is up next for you?

My next book is Jackson Memorial.  It’s about a terribly scandalous hospital, and it’s NOT about the hospital where I currently work.  I actually have to stress that because the natural conclusion would be, “All that stuff must happen at his job.”  Lol.  Of course a lot of the stuff in this book happens at hospitals all around the country, and I don’t want to give any particular hospital a black eye.  Jackson Memorial is a great place to work and it’s a terrible place to work, at the same time.

Q8) What is the best piece of advice you would give to a budding writer?

You have to be true to yourself.  I love writing romance and I love writing urban fiction as well.  Sometimes I combine the two, and sometimes I just write one or the other.  My publisher tried for years to make me stick with romance, but if I’m not writing what I want, it would take forever to push out 85,000 words.  And whatever I produce won’t have my heart in it, so what’s the point?

Q9) What is the next book on your To Read Pile that you are dying to jump into?

I really want to read The Pendleton Rule by Iris Boling and Destiny’s Embrace by Beverly Jenkins.

Q10) Is there anything else you would like to add?

I would love for your readers to check out the excerpts on my website.  I always post two chapters from my three most recent novels.  If you’ve never read any of my books, it won’t hurt to read a free excerpt.  Hopefully you’ll find something you like.

Favorite Quiz

Favorite city:
Long Beach
Favorite beverage:
Lipton’s green tea
Favorite place you’d like to visit:
Favorite place to write:
At work
Favorite hobby:
Shooting and collecting guns (responsibly)
Favorite movie:
Wow.  Only one?  Ummm…  The Color Purple
Favorite book:
Romeo and Juliet

Contact and Buy Links


  1. I remember watching The Color Purple; good movie. Whoopie Goldberg was the main character I believe. She is one of my favorite actresses.

    This was a good interview; nice to meet you Keith. I only wish I could write at work :)


    1. Nice to meet you too, Donna. I know, writing at work is a blessing!

    2. The Color Purple is a movie that stays with you a very long time. Yes, it had Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey!

  2. Great interview. Books where best friends get together tend to be a wonderful concept. I'm interested to read a romance novel from a black male perspective. I'm looking forward to it. I have to check out your website for that Dripping Chocolate book too- looks yummy.

    1. Hey, Nana. Thanks for commenting on my interview. The Realest Ever is an awesome book. And Dripping Chocolate is definitely yummy :-)

  3. I love the interview. Am happy to discover Keith through this medium. I love the romance between best friends angle. Would love to read what happens.

    1. Thanks for commenting on my interview. You can read the first two chapters of my new book on my website. Feel free to check it out.

    2. Just read the first two chapters and I want more. Impressive and I love it!

  4. Loved the interview and its alway so awesome to see & hear from men who write romance. I believe that they are rare jewels in a genre dominated by woman.

    Looking forward to reading some of your work Keith ;)

    1. Thank for commenting on my interview Sharonda. I have the first two chapters of my new book and my last book (Dripping Chocolate) posted on my website. If you've never read any of my books, feel free to check out the excerpts. Nice meeting you :-)

  5. Thanks again for interviewing me for your blog! Great experience. Always nice connecting with new readers!

    1. It's a pleasure hosting you on my blog, Keith. And I love the book cover for The Realest Ever. Looking forward to reading it.

  6. Loved the interview Keith! You know, before I read Fixin' Tyrone, I was skeptical that a man could even write romance - but you've made me a believer - over and over again. Much continued success!

    Bri / Reina

  7. Great interview!!
    I liked the favorites quiz. We get to know the person as well as the author. Makes it feel a little more personal.
    Definitely like what i've read in regards to the books, will put both in my "to buy" pile...
    Kiru thanks for the intro to a new author ( for me anyway)...


    1. Thanks for commenting on my interview! If you've never read any of my books, I have the first two chapters of The Realest Ever and my last book, Dripping Chocolate, posted on my website. Feel free to check them out :-)

  8. Hi Keith, I've never read anything by you. I'll have to run over to check out those excerpts. I'm discovering more and more male romance writers. Love it!

    1. Hey, Delaney, thanks for checking out my interview. I have the first two chapters of my new book (and my last one) posted on my website. If you've never read any of my books, please check out the excerpts. Hopefully you'll find something you like.

  9. I've only read Blow by Blow by Mr. Walker and I thought it was excellent. Looking forward to reading more of his work.

    1. Hi, Kim.
      I love Blow by Blow! That's one of my faves. If you liked that book, you should definitely check out Dripping Chocolate and my new book. Thanks for commenting on my interview!

  10. I wish I could pursue another interests at work.

    I like the sound of your 'voice' in the interview.

    A male romance writer is rather exciting I think.

    1. Hey, Mary.
      Thanks for reading my interview. I do try to express myself informally with these things, even though it's on paper, so that my voice will come through. Thanks for noticing :-)

  11. Keith,

    Great interview!! I've never known a man to write women the way you do Keith. Don't know how you do it, but you really get us. Didn't realize that you work nights and write at night too. Staying awake and alert enough to do both, that must take a lot. I encourage everyone to read all of your books, not just because you're one of my favorite writers, but because your books are awesome!! 5 stars every one!! I can't say enough about Dripping Chocolate and The Realest Ever, except, they're the best ever!! I'm starting my reread of The Realest Ever and you should see my copy of Dripping Chocolate, flagged, tagged, and highlighted. Kudos Keith!!

    Cathy Atchison

  12. Great interview, Kiru - and super to meet you Keith. Just about to check your website! *zooms off*

    1. Hey, Gina! Nice to meet you. Hope you find something you like on my website...

  13. Thank you to everyone who left a comment.

    The winner of Keith's eBook is...

    Sharonda SexxyBlogger! Congratulations. Contact with your email and which one of the eBooks you'd like.


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