Monday, 9 December 2013

An Interview with Lolita Lopez @lowriter #scifi #romance

Happy Monday, readers! Today, I'm hosting author Lolita Lopez on her blog tour as she showcases her latest book Saved by Venom. Read on for my interview with her.

At the end of this interview, there is a chance to win a $100 gift card. Read on for more.

Welcome to my blog, Lolita. Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I'm just your everyday work at home mom type gal—except for the dirty book writing part, I guess! I've lived in Texas my entire life, started out in West Texas near the oilfields and am currently in East Texas. I have a big, alpha male Viking throwback of a husband and a quirky, rambunctious four-year-old daughter.

It sounds like you have your hands busy at home. Have you always wanted to be an author?

Yes, but I grew up hearing that there was no way to make a living writing so I went to college to be a biochemist! I ended up leaving school after completing my junior year at Texas A&M, sold my first novella to Ellora's Cave shortly thereafter and never looked back.

Fabulous. Do you have favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?

Right now, I'm reading a lot of Shannon West, Carol Lynne, Tiffany Reisz, Laurann Dohner, Dez Burke and HM Ward. I think my writing is definitely influenced by the early books I read in the romance and erotica genres—Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, Anais Nin, etc.

Some great authors there. Can you tell us what a typical writing day for you is like.

So Tuesdays and Thursdays I write in the waiting room at the rehab center and private autism clinic where kiddo goes to therapy. It's a 3.5 hour chunk each day, and I can typically get a chapter or two hammered out if I'm uninterrupted and especially if I'm at a juicy point in the story. Most of my writing is done between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. unless the husband is home from the fire station. (He's a paramedic who works twenty-four hour shifts.) When he's on his days off, I typically lock myself away in my office for 8-10 hours.

Now, let’s talk about your new book.  Can you tell us a little about it?

Saved by Venom is the third book in my super sexy scifi romance series called Grabbed. Venom is a highly decorated sniper who works SRU (their version of SWAT) and Dizzy is a fashion designer on the run from a loan shark who wants to claim her as collateral against a loan her father failed to repay.

When he catches her during the winter Grab, she chooses to take his collar and embark on a new journey in the skies with him. This book features some yummy rope bondage, lots of scorching hot sexy times, a few run-ins with our favorite Shadow Force operative Terror and a secret from the past that changes Dizzy's life forever.

To escape her father's debt to a loan shark, Dizzy seeks refuge in the upcoming Grab. She’d rather belong to one of those terrifying sky warriors from the battleship Valiant than to the sleazy criminal who wants her as his plaything.

 The years of constant war haven’t been kind to highly decorated sniper Venom. Only the promise of earning a wife kept him going through deadly battles. Catching and collaring Dizzy fills him with incredible hope. Finally he has a woman of his own, a mate to love—and bind and adorn with his ropes.

After a brazen Splinter attack, the Shadow Force uncovers secrets about Dizzy’s late mother that entangle her in a web of deceit. To save Venom, her father and an operative named Terror, Dizzy digs deep and risks it all.
Venom refuses to stand idly by while Dizzy’s haunted past threatens the future they’re trying to build. He finally has a reason for living—and he’s not giving her up.
Book Links: Ellora’s Cave | Amazon | B&N

Tattooed, alpha military men. Sounds yummy!. How did you come up with the idea for this story?

The first book in the series—Grabbed by Vicious—came to me into a dream. I was being chased by this huge, sexy white-haired guy who caught me and put a collar on me. (Why, yes, I do have weird dreams!) I woke up thinking about the dream and couldn't shake the idea that there was something really special there so I started scribbling in a notebook and the first 7 books in the series just poured out onto the page.

So what is up next for you?

Up next in this series are Stolen by Raze, Won by Cipher and Taken by Terror. I also have two new Dragon Heat novellas out in the summer of 2014 and the other pen name (Roxie Rivera) has more books in the bestselling Her Russian Protector series out very soon. (There's a collection of Christmas shorts out on December 17!)

What is the best piece of advice you would give to a budding writer?

Finish the book. I get lots and lots of mail from writers who want help and so many of them have dozens of unfinished books. The hardest part about being a career writer is writing when the muse has flittered away. I always recommend the book 2K to 10K by Rachel Aaron.

Also—read! Read widely and read often!

What is the next book on your To Read Pile that you are dying to jump into?

I'm two books behind on Laurann Dohner's New Species series and I can't wait to sink my teeth into Moon and True. I'm also really interested to get into some non-fiction military books I've had on my desk for a few weeks.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Just a big, huge thank you to every reader who takes a chance on one of my books!


Lolita’s Favorites:

Favorite city:  Where I live currently!

Favorite beverage:  Dr. Pepper

Favorite place you’d like to visit:  Australia or New Zealand

Favorite place to write:  My office

Favorite hobby:  Gardening

Favorite movie:  I've watched the various versions of Pride and Prejudice dozens of times!

Favorite book:  The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss


Author Bio:

While browsing bookstore shelves as a teenager, Lo discovered the erotic writings of Anaïs Nin and A.N. Roquelaure. Certain her mother would not approve, Lo smuggled the books home and squirreled them away in the most likely of places: under her bed. Late at night, she delved into the sensual worlds both writers created.

As a co-ed studying biochemistry and genetics at Texas A&M University, Lo dabbled in creating naughty tales to entertain her friends. Study for a midterm or pen a deliciously dirty story to delight her small band of fans? Not surprisingly, Lo is now on an extended sabbatical from college.

Luckily, Lo stumbled onto the world of erotic romance publishers. She realized there were other readers and writers who loved and craved breathtaking romance with the spiciest of love scenes. She took a chance and submitted her first novella. The rest is history.

Lo lives in Texas with her Viking throwback of a husband and mischievous preschool-aged daughter. She also writes super sexy romances and scorching hot erotica under the pen name Roxie Rivera.

Visit her website
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