Sunday, 2 June 2013

#SexySnippets No4 from The Black Heart

Happy Sunday, everyone. Welcome back to the Sexy Snippets hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers.
The idea is for writers to post a 7-sentence snippet from your work-in-progress or published work and share the post using the hashtag #sexysnippets. You are welcome to join in, just go to to sign up for the next one.
This week I'm sharing another snippet from my current work-in-progress, a full-length paranormal romance The Black Heart. This week I've gone back to when Rahma was formally introduced to Idris, although it wasn't their first encounter. *sniggers* Also, here's a picture of how I envisioned Rahma. I hope you enjoy it.

Princess Rahma in Black Heart
“Your highness, this is Princess Rahma of Jida,” the palace bodyguard he knew as Aziz introduced her the way it should’ve been done the first time they'd met.

Rahma stood before him, even more glorious in the light of day than she’d been in the shadows of dusk when he’d first seen her.
Her hazel-green eyes almost the color of the lush lawn grass beneath their feet held his, linking them ubiquitously. For a moment neither of them spoke nor moved, the world around them vanishing. The earth stopped rotating. They were transported back to the secluded, fragrant luxury of the palace garden, just the two of them, the birds in the trees and the crickets in the grass.

In his vision, she was holding onto him like her life depended on it and he was kissing her with the passion of a man who hadn’t known what he’d been missing until that very moment.

Share your thoughts. I love to read them. And also check out the other sexy snippets this week.

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