Sunday, 30 June 2013

More #SexySnippets from Black & Blue #thefirstkiss

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers. I'm sharing more snippets from my current WIP Black & Blue. In this scene Christopher kisses Lora for the first time. I hope you enjoy it.


Without saying another word, he took her hand and led her to an adjoining room. Shrouded in darkness, the only light came through the gap at the bottom of the closed door. Still, it outlined the dark stubble on his strong jaw perfectly and she caught a flash of white teeth in his smile.

Cupping her cheeks with his rough palms, he kissed her. Surprisingly his full lips were soft as they wrapped around her mouth, his tongue rubbing against hers. Inside she was melting. She held on to his solid, muscular arms afraid she'd end up in a puddle on the floor.
Share your thoughts. I love to read them. Remember to check out the other Sexy Snippets this week. 

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