Thursday, 27 June 2013

#BookReview Senator Mine by @KerryAdrienne @DecadentPub Nook #Giveaway

Happy Thursday. Today it's my turn to host the Decadent Publishing Nook Giveaway Fest. In this post, you'll get a chance to WIN a Nook eReader plus other prizes as well as check out some fabulous eBooks priced at the bargain price of $1 or £0.77.

There are many chances for the entrants to win and many ways to enter daily. Use the rafflecopter below to enter the prize draw.

The hop is focusing on books that readers can get for just $1-- 'A Buck A Book, Win A Nook'. The total value of the books is around $48, so you will be saving 75% if you buy all of them. A few of the books are usually 5.99 and 4.99, some 2.99 and some 3.99, so $1 is a HUGE deal! Here is the list, they are already marked down on Amazon, Decadent Publishing, Smashwords, and ARe, and will be until July 1, 2013.

Awaken the Demon--Shiela Stewart
The Naughty Angel-- Shiela Stewart
Daughter of Lust--Ann Mayburn
Amber Moon--Ann Mayburn
Night With a Dom--Casea Major - Read it. Loved it. Check out my review here.
White Wedding--Ursula Sinclair
Something Blue--Ursula Sinclair
Last Request--Arlene Webb
Falling For Water--Arlene Webb
The One he Chose--Wendy Burke
Respite- Wendy Burke
Senator Mine--Kerry Adrienne - Read it. Loved it. Check out my review below.

Book Spotlight: Senator, Mine by Kerry Adrienne


Eleanor’s romantic tour of Italy shatters when her long-time boyfriend dumps her in Pompeii. Hoping an evening with a handsome Roman might save her trip, she contacts Madame Eve at 1Night Stand, then goes out to explore, buying a small golden signet in a mysterious antiquities shop near the Forum.

Darius, a hard-working Senator in Ancient Rome, is puzzled by the Sibyl’s words: You will not find love in your lifetime. Following her directions, he spots Eleanor, a barbarian wearing his stolen senator’s ring.

A night spent together may be just what they both need to break down the columns of time that stand between them.


Am I dead? A bird called overhead and Eleanor opened her eyes. Where were the buildings? She sat up. Moss? There wasn’t any moss in the Forum. And all this vegetation. Crap! She felt around for her pack. Gone. What the hell? She searched behind her. Not there. She stood, steadying herself against a trunk. An olive grove. She must still be in Italy. The lightheadedness threatened to return and she held her head. After a moment she moved her hands from her face and, still leaning for support, twisted the ring on her finger. Trees with silvery leaves and cascading white flowers lined long rows in front of her as far as she could see. The Forum was gone.

Don’t panic. Count to ten.

“Eve said I would find you here.”

Eleanor turned to see a tall man standing about twenty feet away. His dark hair cropped short and his broad shoulders wrapped in a…toga? She blinked. “Madame Eve didn’t tell me how this works,” she said, walking toward the Roman god. Damn, he was handsome. She gulped. “Do you know?”

He shook his head. His warm skin tone set off his deep brown eyes and his chiseled features would have inspired sculptors.

“The Sibyl said Eve wanted me to find you here and take you down to the river.” He adjusted his money pouch on his hip and she trailed her gaze down to gaze at the complicated folds that she hoped concealed a bottom half as honed as his upper body.

“Hello?” She held out her hand. “I’m Eleanor. Nice to meet you.”

He looked down at her gesture then back to her face. At least they’d sent a hunk. Maybe he wasn’t very smart, but he didn’t have to be, did he?

He reached out and took her hand and she shivered from the strength and warmth of his grasp. Her heart thudded. She would have no problems going through with this night.

My Review:

I'm usually unsure about reading time-travel stories. Sometimes my brain struggles to accommodate two very distinct eras and I worry that the author won't end the story in the era I prefer. No such problem here.

The author does a brilliant job in blending the historical and the contemporary in this book. Her descriptive writing style made it easy for me to get swept along with the characters as Eleanor travelled from modern Rome to an ancient one. Darius was such a charmer and gentlemen. I fell in love with him. The love scene was more sensual than explicit, exactly the way I'd expect a respected member of Rome's Senate to behave. I laughed at Darius fiddling with the pack of condoms. LOL.

I won't give you any spoilers but suffice to say it ended in the correct era. I enjoyed reading this book and will be checking out more of Kerry Adrienne's books.

Go grab your copy while it's still only $1. Offer ends July 1, 2013.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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