Saturday, 15 June 2013

#SexonSaturday & #SexySnippets from Unbound #BloodBarChronicles 3

Hello, weekenders. I hope you're all having a blast.

This week I've taken my snippets from Unbound my story in The Enforcers, Blood Bar Chronicles book 3 and I'm sharing my snippets with Sex On Saturday hosted by Roz Lee and Sexy Snippets hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers.


#SexOnSaturday (One line):

His lips descended on hers for the second time that night.

#SexySnippets (7 sentences):

This time the sensations were not a blur. She felt him in every pore of her body, soaking in his aura, her body and mind overwhelmed by exciting sensations. The familiarity and recognition returned, along with the desire to have him inside her, filling her up. Memories of the two of them together flooded her mind.
Connected, she sensed more than his memories. His emotions wrapped around her mind like a swirling thread, connecting light, desire, and elation. Yet, in the depth of his mind were also darkness, rage, and remorse.

Here's the blurb:

He will damn his soul to set hers free.

When workaholic high-flying career lawyer Tara Woji meets up with old friends at the blood bar in Edinburgh she doesn’t realise the danger lurking in the shadows for her. M’na is a chi, a gatekeeper whose duty is to protect the humans. Tara is his assignment. As the shadows deepen and darkness comes to claim her, he will do whatever it takes to protect her including doing the one thing that releases her powers – unbinding her heart.

Available from Breathless Press or your favourite online ebookstore.


I hope you enjoyed it. Leave me a comment. I love to read them. Remember to check out Roz Lee's blog for more one line Sex on Saturday and the other Sexy Snippets below on Sunday.
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