Monday, 6 May 2013

#Interview Quirky Meets Wild Irish @JorjaLovett #Giveaway

Happy Monday, folks! This week I've got the lovely Jorja Lovett as my guest author. We discuss her writing and her latest book, The Wolf On The Hill.

Please make her feel welcome. Remember to leave a comment for your chance to win a copy of her book. The winner will be announced next Monday.

The winner of Demoness of Lust by Charisma Knight is Amelia Theodora. Congratulations! Your eBook has been sent.

Now for this week's interview.

Q1) Can you tell us a little about yourself

I live in Northern Ireland with my husband and two sons. I'm frequently described by my other half as a 'weirdo' and I guess he should know after twenty years of putting up with my 'quirks' lol

Q2) Have you always wanted to be an author?

Always. My parents still have 'books' I wrote when I was about eight. I won countless prizes in school for creative writing and I was getting letters published in magazines when I was a teenager.

Q3) Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?

Oh dear. I have such an eclectic collection of books – everything from Stephen King to Jackie Collins – it's impossible to single out my favourites. I guess the most recent authors to influence me are Charlaine Harris and Maggie Stiefvater. Hence the wolf theme.

Q4) Can you tell us what a typical writing day for you is like. 

I'll gather my laptop, notebook and pen and head for the quietest room in the house, usually the bedroom. I have the tv on in the background while I write a few pages. Then I check my email, facebook, twitter, book rankings. Rinse and repeat.

Q5) Let’s talk about your new book.  Can you tell us a little about it?

I'm so excited about this book! The Wolf on the Hill is my first release with Total-E-Bound, and is the first in 'The Wild Irish Wolves' series. It's based in the fictional Olcan Hills, which hosts a wolf shifter community. Here's the blurb:

Lone wolf Caleb Jackson is only back in town long enough to sell his late father's house, and the bad memories with it. He never expected to find his mate.
Good girl Mia Blake never behaves badly. Except for the time she shifts into her wolf, chases a stranger through Olcan Hills, and has the hottest sex of her life on the forest floor.
He has no desire to settle down. She is afraid to upset her family. But, with someone determined to destroy Caleb's inheritance, and his secret fling with Mia getting hot and heavy, moving on isn't as easy as he'd hoped.
Can either of them let down their guards long enough to take a chance on love?

Available now from Total-E-Bound

Q6) How did you come up with the idea for this story?

I was actually working on another story when Caleb came calling. I knew straight away he was a wolf shifter and a bit of a bad boy. It was actually driving around in the Northern Irish countryside with my husband that inspired me to create the Olcan Hills community around him and give him the feisty Mia to play with.

Q7) What is up next for you?

I'm just putting the finishing touches to the second book in the series before I sub it. I'm also waiting to hear back on another erotic series I've written based in a department store.

Q8) What is the best piece of advice you would give to a budding writer?

Develop a thick skin and keep writing no matter what. The journey to becoming a published author isn't easy and if you want to achieve your dream you can't take rejection or criticism to heart. Simply suck it up and move on to the next project.

Q9) What is the next book on your To Read Pile that you are dying to jump into?

My crit group are so prolific I can barely keep up with them. Doris O'Connor has just released The Billionaire's Unwanted Virgin, Raven McAllan's Impulse (Isola dei Sogni) is out, and I have to catch up with Michaela Rhua's Truth or Dare.

Q10) Is there anything else you would like to add?

April was a particularly busy month for me, with three releases. As well as my wolf shifters, you can also get your hands on Titanic's Ondine – an erotic romance between a water nymph and a crew member of the doomed ship, and Under the Dom's Thrall – my FREE READ. You can find the links on my blog.

Favorite Quiz

Favorite city: Edinburgh

Favorite beverage: Tea

Favorite place you’d like to visit: Egypt

Favorite place to write: Bedroom

Favorite hobby: Baking

Favorite movie: 10 Things I Hate About You

Favorite book: Aagh! You can't do that to me! Pass.

Author Bio

Jorja Lovett is a British author with both Irish and Scottish roots, which makes for a very dry sense of humour. Writing since she was old enough to wield a pen, it wasn't until she joined her crit group, UCW, that she pursued her passion seriously.
Now, with Joe Manganiello as her permanent muse, if she can leave the pause button on her Magic Mike dvd long enough, she hopes to spend the rest of her days writing steamy romances.
Find her on Facebook, Twitter: @jorjalovett, Blog, Website

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