Thursday, 28 February 2013

Thrusty Thursday: Chancing Faith by @EmpiBaryeh #BookReview

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Thrusty Thursday. I’ve been trying to catch up with my To-Be-Read pile and this week I've got another book to recommend.

Disclaimer: No favours have been exchanged for these reviews. 

Chancing Faith by Empi Baryeh

Tags: contemporary, multicultural, interracial, sweet romance

He didn’t do short term relationships…
American ad exec, Thane Aleksander, doesn’t date co-workers either—until business takes him to Ghana, West Africa, and he meets Naaki. Now he’s at risk of breaking all the rules. Can he stop this headlong fall before it’s too late?

Until he met her!
Naaki Tabika has a burning need to prove, to herself and to others, that she’s more than wife and mother material. To do so, she’s prepared to give up everything for her job. Meeting Thane, however, makes her want to get personal. But falling for her boss could destroy her career. Will she be willing to risk it all for the one thing that can make her truly happy?

Two divergent cultures, two different races, two career-driven professionals, only one chance at true love—will they find the faith to take it, or will their hearts be sacrificed on the altar of financial success?


My Review

Before I start, I have to say I love the book cover. It's absolutely gorgeous. Yep, I'm a big fan of fabulous book covers. Now, on to the review.
After a few weeks of reading intense, passionate and mainly erotic romances, I was yearning to read a less spicy romance, perhaps something more sedate. A cooling sour cream and chive dip alternative to my usual spicy honey mustard, if you catch my drift.

Chancing Faith provided a great palate-cleansing interlude before I pick up something steamier. And I'm glad I read it.
The author does very well in painting vivid pictures of the setting. From the first page you are taken on a journey through Ghana's contemporary culture via the eyes of Thane a visiting executive from the USA and Naaki a resident intern who has to work with him. On paper this is a classic office romance story, but what really makes it stand out are the cultural detailing and business issues which form part of the conflict.

One of the issues with office romance stories is the ability (or lack of) of authors to pull off an authentic story that doesn't make the hero who is usually in a position of power seem lecherous and the heroine seem like a slut for falling for him too quickly.
No such problem existed in this story as both character showed restraint till the end (much to my frustration. LOL). The romance is of a slower pace than I'd personally prefer but the great thing is that the characters were allowed to develop, and as readers, we get to witness the gradual change in their personalities as they fell in love with each other.

All in all, this will keep you entertained and you'll learn a thing or two about Ghanaian culture.

My Verdict

A refreshing, palate-cleansing sweet romance

My Recommendation

Fans of sweet romance will love it

My Rating

Where I got my copy: Amazon UK

Looking for a more varied recommendation of interracial or multicultural books? Check out the latest edition of my Love & Romance in Color column in the Night Owl Reviews monthly magazine out now.
So what are you reading at the moment? Share.
I'm currently looking out for good romance novels or novellas with multicultural/interracial themes. Feel free to comment and recommend one.


  1. Your review reflects my sentiments about the book Kiru. I really enjoyed reading it (both the book and your review)

  2. Lovely review and on point. I ll have to grab my own copy NOW!


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