Sunday, 17 February 2013

#Read A Valentine Challenge #SexySnippets 2 #eBook

Happy Sunday, everyone. Welcome back to the Sexy Snippets blog hop hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers.

The idea is for writers to post a 7-sentence snippet from your work-in-progress or published work and share the post using the hashtag #sexysnippets. You are welcome to join in, just go to to sign up for the next hop.

I've taken my snippet from my contemporary Valentine romance, A Valentine Challenge (Challenge series, book 1) available for only 99cents. 
I hope you enjoy it.
Seeing her splinter tore at his control. She was the most beautiful creature he’d seen. Withdrawing his hand from her core, he held her for a few minutes until her body stopped trembling, allowing his body to come back under control too.
The warm tender sensation returned, urging him to hold onto Kasie and keep her close. At the same time he remembered the last time he’d given free rein to such emotion. He’d lost out. He wasn’t going to let that happen again.
Share your thoughts and check out the other sexy snippets this week.


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The Romance Reviews