Monday, 15 October 2012

What is coming soon?

Hello everyone. I hope you had a fabulous weekend.

It's been a busy couple of months. First, was the rush to complete a Christmas story I started writing recently. It's a contemporary romance set in Brass Island, Nigeria. The original title was His Christmas Wish but I've changed it to Island Bound, since the location became an integral part of the story. Some stories run away with you. This was one of those. There were times when I thought the emotions between the two main characters would explode my laptop. You can read an excerpt from the story here.

Well, I'm excited to announce that I completed it, submitted it and have recently signed a contract with Decadent Publishing who are going to release in time for the festive season. I'll let you know when we have a release date.

Due to the short timescales, we are diving straight into editing. Pardon my absence if you don't see me around much in the next few weeks. I'll be in my editing cave but I'm looking forward to the cover art.

Before that don't forget to join us for this week's Romantic Friday Writers' challenge. The theme is Halloween House of Horrors and you're allowed to write a flash fiction or poetry piece up to 1000 words. Click the link to sign up if you'd like to participate. I've got an intriguing story for you. Will it have a happy ending? You'll have to read it to find out. So see you back later this week.

In the meantime, have a great week.


  1. Congrat's on your contract.

    Can't wait to read the RFW Horror stories.

  2. Hi Kiru. You have been busy. I'm so glad you're getting a Christmas book out there. I tried to get a Halloween book done in time but maybe it'll make it for next October, lol!
    I'm so glad you signed up for the Halloween challenge. I know your story will be great! I'm just working on mine now. Thanks for putting the link up.


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