Monday, 29 October 2012

Oldwest meets Outback #interview #giveaway @authorcassdean

Hello, everyone. Today I'm excited to have the lovely Cassandra Dean as my guest. We are chatting about writing romance and her latest book Rough Diamond published by Decadent Publishing. Her eBook is currently on my TBR and she's kindly giving away a copy to one lucky commenter. Please make her feel welcome.

Q1) Hi, Cass. Welcome. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Yes. Yes, I can.
I’m Cassandra Dean and I write romance, mostly of the historical variety. I’m Australian, love Smith’s chicken chips and have recently been told I’m more interesting than I think. For example, I have an earring at the top of my ear and my friend didn’t realise I had that earring until about three years into our friendship. Also, even though I’m not Italian, every year my family and I make tomato sauce for pasta for the coming year. These things don’t seem all that interesting to me (after all, they are overwhelmingly normal to me) but I’ve been assured they are!

Q2) Have you always wanted to be an author?
Yep! From the time I first learnt to read (First phrase - To the Beach. True story), I’ve wanted to write. I have all these stories in my head, and had to find some way of putting them down! Luckily, I now have a profession that lets me do just that. Huzzah!

Q3) Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?
The person who has influenced me more than any other is Joss Whedon. He’s just such an inspiration to me. Whenever I find myself stuck, I ask myself, What would Joss do?, and after having a mild freak out because, seriously, I can’t even begin to compare to his awesomeness, I come up with an answer.
I was lucky enough to see him speak at the Sydney Opera House a few years back and it was just the most amazing experience. I highly recommend that if Joss is speaking anywhere near you, you do everything you can to see him!
Alternatively, check out his commentaries on the TV shows and movies he’s created. He is the most generous and informative teacher I’ve come across, and I’m heartily jealous of anyone who has had the good fortune to work directly with him!
Apart from Joss, I’m going to have to cite my critique partner and F4E, Lucy Clark. We have a blog together now (, so check it out if you’d like more info!

Q4) Can you tell us what a typical writing day for you is like. 
I’m not too sure at the moment! I’ve just started a new day job and as such my routine is still a bit up in the air. However, once it settles down I think it’s going to take the following shape:
·        Get home from work.
·        Watch some TV.
·        Eat dinner.
·        Check Twitter/Facebook/email.
·        Watch more TV.
·        Check blog/website.
·        Watch TV.
·        Check Facebook/Twitter/email again.
·        Think that perhaps I should be writing.
·        Watch TV.

Q5) Let’s talk about your new book.  Can you tell us a little about it?
Certainly! ROUGH DIAMOND is part of Decadent Publishing’s Western Escape, and is a Western Historical Erotic Romance.

Here’s the blurb!

Owner of the Diamond Saloon and Theater, Alice Reynolds is astounded when a fancy Englishman offers to buy her saloon. She won’t be selling her saloon to anyone, let alone a man with a pretty, empty-headed grin…but then, she reckons that grin just might be a lie, and a man of intelligence and cunning resides beneath.

Rupert Llewellyn has another purpose for offering to buy the pretty widow’s saloon—the coal buried deep in land she owns. However, he never banked on her knowing eyes making him weak at the knees, or how his deception would burn upon his soul.

Each determined to outwit the other, they tantalize and tease until passion explodes. But can their desire bridge the lies told and trust broken?

Q6) How did you come up with the idea for this story?
My editor on my previous release, TEACH ME, suggested I write for Western Escape. So I went away, had a bit of a think, and then came up with the idea of a lady saloon owner and a seemingly buffle-headed Englishman!

Q7) What is up next for you?
I’ve just signed the contract for a sequel to ROUGH DIAMOND! Featuring secondary characters Pearl and Ethan, FOOL’S GOLD is a Christmas story that should be available sometime in the Yuletide season. Stop by my website regularly for updates!

Q8) What is the best piece of advice you would give to a budding writer?
Persevere. It’s the hardest thing to do, but the most necessary. You’ll be knocked back. Constantly. Getting rejection after rejection as you start the caper just about drives you insane, and it doesn’t stop there. Once you finally become published, it doesn’t mean you automatically have the easy road. You still face nerves and submissions and all that fun stuff. *sigh* Still, you forget all about it when you see your book in print!
So yeah. Persevere. It’s worth it in the end, trust me.

Q9) What is the next book on your To Read Pile that you are dying to jump into?
I’m really quite eager to read Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey. I read it years and years and years ago, but I think I was too young to really appreciate it. Recently, I saw it on the Vaginal Fantasy bookclub and was intrigued enough to give it another try!

Q10) Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you so much for having me, Kiru! I’d also like to offer a contest! Comment below and leave your email address to win ROUGH DIAMOND swag – a signed postcard and magnet!
Good luck!

Favorite Quiz

Favorite city:
Florence, Italy. I LOVED this place with a passion holy and just. The light was magnificent, and I can totally understand how it was the birthplace of the Renaissance.

Favorite beverage:
I’m quite partial to orange and pineapple juice mixed together. Yum!

Favorite place you’d like to visit:
I would really like to go to Scandinavia, so I’m going to choose Stockholm!

Favorite place to write:
Wherever the words will flow. It could be my desk at home, the State Library, or a coffee shop. I don’t mind, as long as what’s in my head gets down on the page!

Favorite hobby:
Hmm. I do like watching TV. Does that count like a hobby?
Actually, my favourite hobby would be cooking. I LOVE high teas, and have about fifty billion cookbooks on the subject. In fact, I received a nifty one today – The Vintage Tea Party. Can’t wait to try some of the recipes!

Favorite movie:
Oh, so many! However, I do love The Usual Suspects, Aliens and Adaptation. In fact, I can pretty much quote Aliens from go to whoa. It’s a bit sad, really ;)

Favorite book:
Again, so many to choose from! I’m going to go with Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase. I love Ms Chase to pieces, and Lord of Scoundrels is just the bees knees :D

# The small print: Comment before midnight on 5/11/2012 (Australian Central Daylight Time) to be entered to win one (1) signed ROUGH DIAMOND postcard and one (1) ROUGH DIAMOND magnet. Winner will be selected via, with winner’s name posted on this blog by 7/11/2012. Cassandra will also contact the winner by e-mail; the winner will be required to reply with their postal address so Cassandra can send the prize to them.
Only one entry per ISP address. Entrants must be over 18 years of age. By entering, you agree Cassandra can use your name when announcing the winner if you should win. If potential prize winner forfeits or does not claim the prize, prize will be re-awarded, in Sponsor’s sole discretion. All prizes will be awarded. International entries are welcome. No purchase necessary to enter. Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Void where prohibited by law.


  1. Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Kiru :)

  2. Hi Cass, welcome to my blog. It's great to have you here.

    I totally agree. Perseverance is important along with constantly working to improve your writing. One day the hard work will pay off.

    I've had Kushiel's Dart on my TBR for so long. I think I'll get to read it during the holidays this year. Hopefully. :)

    I've got another question: how did you cope with living in Australia and writing a story about the American Old West?

    1. The internet, Kiru, it's the only way!

      I was also extremely lucky in that a friend had lived in Wyoming for a spell, and he was most generous with his impressions of the place.

      I also visited Sovereign Hill in Ballarat, Victoria, which is an open air museum frozen in the Australian Gold Rush. It was similar to how I imagine Wyoming was at the time, and was invaluable for allowing me to 'feel' how it might have been for Alice and Rupert.

      Thanks again for having me over, this is so much fun!

  3. Hi Cassandra and Kiru,
    thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i love the cover,it's gorgeous and the book sounds wonderful. i can hardly wait to see these 2 try to outwit each other. LOL

    Did you design the cover yourself/have alot of input?
    i know some authors get little to no say in how the book will look.
    tammy ramey

    1. Hi Tammy, thanks for stopping by!

      I'm extremely lucky in that Decadent Publishing consults extensively with their authors when it comes to cover design. I don't design it myself, but I have a huge input into the final product. This particular cover went through a few incarnations before we arrived at something that is just the bees knees. I'm very proud of all my covers, and extremely grateful to the hardworking graphic designers who brought them to life!

  4. HI Cassandra and Kiru!

    Perseverance is KEY when it comes to success in publishing - and in improving your writing. I couldn't agree more.

    1. Hi Talli,

      Yeah, perseverance is something I've found I need to have a ton of in this caper. But the rewards are so very sweet!

      Thanks for stopping by :D

  5. Hi Cassandra and Kiru!

    I LOVE the cover for Rough Diamond! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of this book!! I love Western Romances.

    ~Julie K (

    1. Hi Julie,

      Thanks for commenting. Unfortunately, a copy of ROUGH DIAMOND isn't on offer :( But there IS ROUGH DIAMOND swag! Yay!

      Thanks again!

    2. Hi again, Julie!
      Kiru has informed me that she will be giving away a copy of Rough Diamond, so yay!
      Best of luck :D

  6. Love this and can´t wait for my chance to read, =)
    Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thanks so much, Linda! I hope you enjoy ROUGH DIAMOND :D

  7. I know what you mean about the earring. I went through the same recently with my oldest son. I dropped a bunch of weight this past spring and everyone was raving about how much I'd lost. My oldest son never even noticed. When I mentioned it to him he said, "But you're Mom. You'll always be Mom, so I didn't notice." [scratches head] Oookaaayyy...LOL!

    Love the cover for this one!

    bicknellbrown AT sbcglobal DOT net

    1. Hehe, good one, Faith!
      And thanks so much for your lovely comment about ROUGH DIAMOND :D

  8. Oh, pasta sauce. I'd love to make some of that. My mom and I can relish every year. When I run out and have to buy the stuff at the store, I cringe.

    All the best!

    1. I hear you, Jess! One year, we didn't make sauce at all and then it was a real hassle trying to find some good stuff in the shops. Here's a hot tip - don't bother ;p
      Actually, pushing canned tomatoes through a sieve and cooking the hell out of it is prob the best subsitute - it's the same principle, really!
      Thanks for commenting :D

  9. The fine print says May 11, 2012, but I'm going to take a chance. LOL. Would love to try this one. I'm drawn in the by the cover and the blurb. tchevrestt(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Hi Tara,
      Oh my lord I didn't even think of the fact that US peeps are going to read the date differently to me! I'm from Australia and we write the date day/month/ to me it says 11 November 2012! Heh ;p
      So glad you like the sound of Rough Diamond. Thanks for commenting :D

  10. The cover is most compelling.
    And then your's my character's name, so I find that compelling too. Cass D rocks!

    1. Hi Liza,
      Thanks so much! And Cass D certainly does rock ;)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Hi peeps,

    Well, we've come to the most exciting part of the commenting - picking the winner of the competition! Due to a miscommunication, it's been decided that an ebook copy of ROUGH DIAMOND will also be awarded to the winner.

    So, without further ado, congratulations...


    Linda has won an ebook copy of ROUGH DIAMOND, a signed ROUGH DIAMOND postcard and a ROUGH DIAMOND magnet.

    Thank you to all who commented and to Kiru for hosting. I've had a blast!


  12. Thank you, Cass. And congratulations to Linda!


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