Sunday, 6 April 2014

A sexless marriage? #sexysnippets from Keeping Secrets #asmsg #addictivereads

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets. This weekly meme is hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers where we share seven sentences from a published book or work-in-progress. If you're a writer, feel free to join us by signing up at the Sexy Snippets page. Sign up opens every Tuesday and closes midnight every Saturday (UK time).

This week, as well as bringing you a snippet, I have the pleasure of showing off my spanking new book cover for Keeping Secrets. Thank you to everybody who helped with the cover reveal event on Friday.
It was a mega success. My Google Alerts went crazy and my blog hits skyrocketed. An Engagement Challenge which is on special offer hit the overall Amazon Bestseller Top 100 eBooks peaking at #58, and at #1 in a couple of category lists, highest spot for any of my books ever.
So thank you all again. If you ever need me to reciprocate, just holla.

Click the link to check out my series Introduction to The Essien Trilogy. I have the covers and blurb for all 3 books in the series, plus a Gift card + eBooks giveaway.

Right for the snippet. I think this scene explains itself. I hope you it.


Cheeks burning, she fingered her lips, remembering the caress of his, the sweep of his tongue, the nip of his teeth. The grind of his hips.
"Oh God!" she moaned out loud and squeezed her thighs together.
Since the kiss, two nights ago, he hadn't touched her, except for a feather peck on the cheek, a gentle squeeze of the hand, a brief hug—fleeting gestures that left her craving more of him.
Ironic, she'd spent six weeks since their marriage with no sexual stimuli.
Felix awoke, and with one kiss turned her into a walking mass of hormones. Now, she hoped her husband would go back on a promise he'd made before their marriage.


Leave me a comment and I'll return your visit.
Check out the other Sexy Snippets this week.

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