Monday, 10 February 2014

What is your ideal Valentine's Day gift? #KindlePaperwhite #Giftcards #eBooks

Welcome to the Valentine's Day Gift Hop as we celebrate love, sex, and all things books! Our grand prize will be a Kindle Paperwhite and digital new adult romance basket. Every comment on every blog in the hop will count as an entry toward either of the grand prizes.

Over here I'm showcasing the upcoming paperback release of my Valentine novella, A Valentine Challenge. The eBook is currently available for $0.99 and the paperback is out 14 February. Here is a snippet. You can also read the full Chapter One HERE.

Life is good for ex-soldier turned entrepreneur Michael Ede. Or so he thinks. When his friends set him a challenge to exorcise the memory of a woman from his past, he expects it to be a walk in the park.

Socialite Kasie Bosa is spitting fire at men. Her long-term boyfriend has asked for a break via text message of all things. Fuming, she’s told him to go take a dive off the nearest bridge. So the next man who crosses her path is at risk of being shredded with her spa manicured nails.

Bad news for Michael who has chosen her as the object of his challenge. But neither of them can deny the sizzling chemistry between them nor control their responses, it seems. It’s the season of love. Will they escape unscathed?

Available NOW in eBook from:
Amazon US | Amazon UK | All Romance eBooks | Barnes & Noble

Out in paperback: 14 February 2014

Complete the rafflecopter for your chance to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card. Remember to leave a comment to be entered into the Grand Prize draw to win a Kindle Paperwhite or Digital book basket.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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