Monday, 3 February 2014

5 things to do on Valentine's Day by @StellaEA STOLEN VALENTINE KISS #giveaway

5 things to do on Valentine's Day

A romantic dinner for two is top on the Valentine to do list. Include flutes of free flowing champagne. It is an exceptional opportunity to deepen the relationship.

Don't leave out romantic gifts, nicely wrapped and delivered by YOU. Boxes of heartshaped chocolates covered with strawberries along with bouquet of fragrance red roses and a box of jewelry (neck chain, ankle chain, bracelet with heartshaped pendant, ring etc.) to express your love.

Go on holiday together to a romantic destination. Wow! Talk, show affection, spend time on new activities, explore and create memories.

Go on a heart stopping ride together in a horse drawn carriage, hot air balloon or in a helicopter if you can afford it. An absolute clincher!

Go for a pampering session together in a fancy Spa. Cuddle up, exchange provocative lingerie gifts, go swimming in the sexiest bikini (shorts), have a dip in the Jacuzzi, lie side by side in a massage session and throw in candle light dinner or a meal on the beach at sunset.

Happy Valentine Season, don't stop kissing!

Stolen Valentine Kiss by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku
Publication Date: Feb 1st 2014
ISBN/EAN 13: 1495237931/9781495237935 (Paperback)
Genre / Categories: Fiction/Romance/Contemporary/Interracial/Multicultural

One broken heart. Two grieving minds.

To Lorna Ibe, Departmental Manager with one of London's multi-channel retailers, Valentine's Day lost its romantic flavour years ago. An unplanned holiday to New Jersey is her perfect getaway from the stress and emotional turmoil locked in her heart, just what she needs to take her mind off her troubles. That's until she runs into Logan.

Magazine publisher, Logan Blake has had his fair share of stress in the past few years. When his sister asks him to drop off old clothes to charity, he has a minor accident in front of the charity shop where Lorna volunteers. When he sets eyes on her bare midriff as she wipes the display window, he clears his busy schedule to volunteer his time. Two burdened hearts afraid to get entwined.

One Stolen Valentine Kiss. Will Valentine season bring them romance or will their fears keep them apart?

The brush flew out of her unsteady hands for the third time in a row.
Swallowing hard, she eyeballed her reflection in the silver scalloped round dressing table mirror. Bending over, she snatched the brush from the carpet.

''Stay still,'' she spat through gritted teeth. Why is she doing everything to please her Aunt? You know the answer to that, her conscience whispered.
In truth, she enjoyed her five hours treatment at the beauty spa today. She flicked her wrist. Five minutes more. Her pulsed raced and her teeth chattered.
Dragging in air, she swept a handful of black curls to the right side of her face.

The door bell clanged. She heard the door open. Stumbling to her feet, she rushed forward and placed her ears behind the door, straining to listen to his conversation with her Aunt. Her knees juddered. ''Only because I haven't been out on a date for so long,'' she muttered.
The knock on her door sent her stumbling backwards, landing slapdash on the bed. Her Aunt walked in, a bemused smile on her face.
'', Logan is even more manly...more striking than you let on. Wow! You look gorgeous in that red dress.'' Breathing easier, she stood up.
''Do you think this dress flatters me?''
Logan Blake


Hands behind her back, she walked in to the room, her eyes widening broadly.
In a black suit, black shirt without tie and black shoes, Logan looked like a movie star. As she walked closer, his fragrance left her dazed. Out is his roguish look. His well styled hair, facial beard and moustache gave him a wicked edge. She couldn't stop staring open mouthed.

Her heart pounded in her ears and her throat ran out of saliva. His now deepening blue eyes slowly raked her from her upturned bouncy hair with a few tendrils sashaying round her neck to her red, A-line halter, Rhinestone, sleeveless, mini chiffon cocktail dress. Her silver sandal dolled up feet swayed precariously as both hands clutched her purse in steel like grip behind her back.

Clearing his throat, Logan pulled the lapels of his jacket. Is he nervous too? She held her breath. ''I'm speechless, Lorna.'' He blinked rapidly. Her chest soared, her eyes held his for a long moment. ''You're devastatingly beautiful! That red dress is superbly hot. You're a breath of fresh air in Jersey City,” his voice caught. Her heart danced and wheeled. Taking in deep breaths, she swallowed. ''Thank you, Logan. Glad you like the look. I must say you look gorgeous in black.'' Talk less, listen more. Her aunt's word floated in her ears.

Rubbing his palms together, Logan's eyes returned to her long legs. She walked towards him, careful not to topple over in her four inch pencil heel. Of course, she can walk in the accessorized high shoes. It is his gaze...which sends her feet in different directions, lighting up the ashes in her heart.

I am Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku, a fun loving mother of two, married to my very own gorgeous alpha male. I recently 'retired' from an eighteen stint working as a Quality Assurance Manager. Writing romance novels is an exciting adventure.

In 2010, I created Flirty & Feisty Romance Novels. There are six contemporary romance novels in the kitty, varying from sweet & sensual to spicy hot & steamy - LOITERING SHADOWS, STORMY DEFENSE, BEYOND the LADY, THE GARDNER'S ICE MAIDEN, SPARKLING DAWN and HUSBAND to RENT. STOLEN VALENTINE KISS is my first series and my first Novella.

On my writing desk at the moment, my first historical romance, a trilogy is taking shape. A daunting challenge I must confess, but I love the characters and their journey so far. In my leisure time, I go swimming, read romance novels, go to Cinema, and watch TV.
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