Monday, 3 December 2012

Celebrate One Year in Publishing With Me

Happy December!

What a year it's been. Celebrate with me. 

I'm over at The Nuthouse Scribblers celebrating one year of being published. 

I'm also sharing some of my flaws as well as those of my characters.

Why not join me. You could WIN one of 2 FREE copies of any eBook from my back list. 

See you there.


  1. Well done, Kiru. Wishing you continued success!

  2. Hello Kiru the Unstoppable. I've been reading your emails but haven't been on the blogs during November. I got my first draft finished instead.
    I'm just doing the rounds of RFW peeps as my first order of business. Congratulations! I'll be back another time to wade through it all. :D

  3. Congrats, Kiru and may more be created at the pen (or keys) they all came from. Time does fly by, and Girl, I can see that you don't waste any of it. Just rewrote one of my WIP excerpts in first person. Would like to know what you think.

  4. That's a wonderful accomplishment! Congratulations!

  5. published and still wonderful. Wel done

  6. Thank you so much, everyone. I really appreciate your good wishes. Have a great weekend. :)


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