Friday, 1 June 2012

Romantic Friday Writers - Yes, No, Oh Alright Then

Hello readers, it’s a new month. Gosh, I can’t believe it’s June already. The year is flying by. Are you on track with your annual goals? Me, I’ve met some of my half-year goals but off on a couple. But I’ve got a month to work through, so here’s hoping. There's still so much to look forward to this year.

So welcome back to Romantic Friday Writers. This week’s challenge is to write 400 words of prose or poetry for the theme Yes, no, oh alright then.

As it’s all about indecision, I’ve chosen a snippet from His Strength, book 2 of my Men of Valor historical romance series. In this excerpt Nneka, the heroine, is caught between what her mind wants and what her body obviously desires. The hero, Ikem, is not making the decision easy for her. J

NOTE: I’ve heavily edited this piece because I know some RFW members prefer their romance on the mild side. If you want to read the spicy chunk that was cut out, pick up the ebook or read some of it here.

Enjoy. And as always, I’d love to read your thoughts.
Word Count: 400 words

"Say it, Nneka. You want me to kiss you."

"Never!" Her voice and body trembled as she spoke.

"Why do you have a tough time admitting what you want? Your eyes and body betray you easily." He laughed as he pushed his thigh between her legs, parting them.

"You are such a boastful man. Do you think every woman in this land clamors for your attention? I have no wish for you or any other man."

How could she admit that the mere presence of this man caused her body to behave outrageously? All he had to do was look at her, and her pulse rate increased. Each time he touched her, he branded her skin like a torch.

Still, she fought that feeling because she didn't want to acquiesce to another man. She didn't want to get married again. Not so soon after Ofonna. She wasn't ready for another man in charge of her life.


"The women come to me because they are guaranteed to receive pleasure. You simply tell me you want the same, and I'll happily oblige you."

She stiffened at his mocking words. How she wanted to wipe the smirk off his face. When his teeth grazed her earlobe, sending waves of heat straight to her core, her body melted. The pain-pleasure bounced though her body with need until she could no longer control her body's tremors.

"On the other hand, I have no problem telling you what I'd like to do to this delightful body of yours." As he spoke, he slid his hand down her neck in a slow, lazy motion as if he had all the time in the world. Her skin came alive. As much as she hated to admit her lack of restraint for him, her body leaned into his touch.

 "Stop protesting, and let me show you what you've been denying yourself." His voice had an entrancing quality, soft and filled with desire. When he looked up at her, his golden gaze was heated and filled with intoxicating promise.

What harm can his touch do, except fulfil my deep-seated fantasy? It is just one night, not a lifelong betrothal.

She couldn't afford to give up the independence she craved much more than the gratifying touch of a man. She could succumb for tonight. Experience what it felt like to be satisfied by a man for once.

Gasping, she nodded.

I hope you enjoyed it. I’d love to know what you think. Don’t forget to check out the other lovely entries for this week’s RFW Challenge.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Loved the excerpt but I'd rather read the spicy version! lol! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Candace. Pick up the ebook. ;)

  2. Hi Kiru. Thank you for considering the 'non-erotic' phrase in the RFW guidelines. No doubt everyone will fly away to read the spicy version, hee hee. You do it so well. Great indecision here. Somehow I think it's going to be hard for this lady to keep her independent spirit considering how she craves the touch of this Alpha male.

    Thanks as always for posting. Don't forget to pop over to RFW on Monday for voting in the People's Choice Poll.


    1. Yes, I know how tough it can be to resist a persuasive alpha male. LOL. Thank you, Denise.

  3. Oh, haven't we all had these moments. Tempation is very powerful as you conveyed here. Steamy!

  4. Dear Kiru,
    Great story and of course full of passion. We can't deny that we all were created to feel this way about another. The ending was beautiful my friend. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh, poor Nneka :) What horror to have your body betray your mind. One night, I'd be persuaded too :) He made sensual arguments; well practiced at his art. Oh my oh my.

    You edited this perfectly. Kept sensuality - and sexuality - without betraying the original sentiment. And, you left it at a point where "closed door" readers are totally satisfied, but us erotic readers could go either way. Continue the physical act, or leave it there; either way, I'm completely immersed in the scene, and whatever comes next :)

    Very well done. Yep, I'm gonna have to buy the books, But I don't like starting with a sequel. Thanks for sharing this with RFW.


    1. Thank you, Donna. You got it absolutely right. Enjoy reading when you eventually get to it. :)

  6. I agree with Donna. You did an excellent job of editing this text. Still, it is a very hot story! You really know how to write so that the reader is there with Nneka in this scene.
    Well done!
    Best wishes,
    Anna's RFWers Challenge No 37 'Yes, No, oh, alright then.'

    1. Such a sweet comment. Thank you, Anna. :)

  7. A nice story of indecision. The sexuality was nicely done and perhaps it's stronger for the restraint.

  8. This is the non-steamy version? Whoa! Very hot and well written. I like the characters and her mind and body fighting one another. Her decision for a one night stand is what ALL of us would talk ourselves into, but would it be enough?

    1. LOL. We like it steamy over here. Thank you so much for stopping by, Michael.

  9. Hi,

    Hee hee, eyes can convey so much, and mere touch is a powerful aphrodisiac! Let's be honest, here, the body can become traitorous to common sense in the heat of a moment of intimacy! ;)


    1. LOL. You said it, Francine. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you.

  10. His golden gaze has me shivering! Think the spicy version would be worth a peek!

    1. Go ahead. Peek. You know you want to. LOL
      Thanks for stopping by, Charmaine.


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