Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Are you feeling lucky?

Hello everyone. I'm back from my fabulous birthday mini-break in New York and I come bearing gifts.

Here are the winners from the recent give aways on my blog:

$10 gift voucher (Sinful Siren hop)  - Mel Bourn
Unbound by April Vine (ebook blog giveaway) - fichen1
An Engagement Challenge ebook (TRR Erotic Romance hop) - Patricia Williams, Booklover0226 and Nya Rayne.

Congratulations to all the winners. Make sure I have your email address so I can reach you.

Have a fantastic week.


  1. Congrats to all of the winners. :)

  2. YAY!! Thanks Kiru! I love coming by to visit. Always something good going on! Congrats to all the other winners!

    Mel B
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com


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