Sunday, 7 June 2015

She drew slow circles on his thigh #sexysnippets #ASMSG #comingsoon KOLA

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers where we share 7 sentences from a work-in-progress or published book. How sexy? Totally up to you. Join us. Go to the Sexy Snippets page to sign up or visit the page on Facebook.

Yay! Kola releases this month, in 9 days exactly, so today's sexy snippet is taken from it. Enjoy.

When had he ever been this close to losing it with anybody?
So why was this woman so capable of pushing his buttons and getting a response out of him?
He didn’t have time to analyse that thought as she started drawing slow circles on his thigh with her finger, sending more brain-frazzling signals to his groin. His jeans felt very tight, his cock throbbing painfully in the enclosed space.
A few expletives ran through his head.
Think with your head not your dick.

PREORDER your copy from Amazon US or Amazon UK

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