Sunday, 8 February 2015

Something in his tone melted her anger into compliance #SexySnippets #ASMSG KOLA

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers where we share 7 sentences from a work-in-progress or published book. How sexy? Totally up to you. Join us. Go to the Sexy Snippets page to sign up or visit the page on Facebook.

This week I'm sharing from my new WIP, titled Kola. It's a spinoff from The Essien Trilogy. And I've been playing around with cover design. Let me know what you think of this. Enjoy the snippet.


“Hello, Kola,” she said, her voice sounding more like a squeak.
“Pack a bag. I’ll be there to pick you up shortly,” he said in a voice so low, it sounded more like a growl. No preamble, brusque and straight to the point. “And don’t open the door for anyone until I get there.”
Before she could reply to his annoying demand, he hung up. She sat there for a moment, her breath short, and her blood fizzing.  
Something in his tone lit an ember of curiosity deep in her belly, melted her anger into compliance. She raced to her bedroom and packed her bag.

I hope you enjoyed that. Leave me a comment and check out these fab sexy snippets.

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