Monday, 30 June 2014

Welsh Wench Writes Westerns-Meet @MissWishlade #Sexy #Cowboys

Happy Monday, people! I interviewed author Molly Ann Wishlade on my blog today. Check out our conversation and say hello.

Q1) Welcome to my blog, Molly. Can you tell us a little about yourself

I live in Wales in the UK with my family and pets. I teach by day and write by night.

Q2) Have you always wanted to be an author?

I always harbored a dream to write and I had a short story, some poems and a travel guide published but I thought that getting a novel published was one of those things that happens for other people. So I got on with life and kept myself busy with other things. However, to cut a long story short (and it is quite a long story) I felt the urge to write building again until I just couldn’t ignore it any longer. So I got writing. I went through the whole submission / rejection / submission / revise and resubmit process several times before I wrote my debut novella Desire in Deadwood and finally got that wonderful email!

The best decision I made was to stop procrastinating and dreaming and to just get on with it and put my work out there. It wasn’t easy and like many authors I’ve shed a few (thousand) tears along the way but I try to remember what a good friend told me about the whole process: ‘Write for yourself and write what you want to write, otherwise you will not be true to your author voice and you won’t be happy with your writing.’ So I try to write from the heart. I am a firm believer that love and passion do exist in very powerful forms and sometimes in life we have to make difficult choices, but in spite of these choices, we are still entitled to happiness. Life is too short not to grab it while you can.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Keeping Secrets and more #booksale this weekend #AReads #ASMSG #99cents

Yay! Summer is finally here. Loads of sporting events going on.

There's the World Cup (Nigeria vs France in the quarter finals, woohoo! Shame about England coming home early) and Wimbledon (we're cheering Andy Murray and the Williams sisters).

But I'm not interesting in any of that, I hear you say. I'd rather just chill out and read a book, you say.

Well, keep calm 'cause I have a book sale for you.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

There's only one thing a man wants #MidWeekTease #MWTease #ASMSG

Hello sweeties. Happy Hump Day. It's time for Mid-Week Tease hosted by the lovely Sandra Bunino.

This week I'm bringing you a teaser from a brand new manuscript. Those of you waiting for the conclusion to the Challenge series will be glad I started writing Worth A Challenge. This series follows the exploits of 3 best friends Michael, Paul and Peter. We've seen Michael and Paul find love. Well it's now Peter's turn. And his is going to be the most difficult journey. Unlike his friends, he had everything growing up--the love of both parents, a close family, and more wealth than he could spend in a lifetime.

And who do I match him with. Tess is the exact opposite. But don't let that fool you. She's not helpless or looking for a rich man to sweep her off her feet. In fact I'll let her introduce herself.

This is a very rough first draft written this morning. So forgive my errors.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Errant muse-dominant alpha-Doris O'Connor shares Her Imaginary Lover @MamaD8 #book

Happy Monday, folks and a big thank you to Kiru for letting me take over her blog today!
I have been somewhat of a busy bee this last week, with two releases and another story coming out tomorrow. They range from paranormal to contemporary and Sci-fi, m/f to m/m/f.
If you haven’t guessed by now, my muse likes to stir things up and shake it all about. I never know what she comes up with next, and as for the actual plot… well, my characters tend to go off on a tangent, and they are very firmly in charge.
I like to think it keeps my writing fresh, but I leave you, the readers, to decide on that. 
Take Her Imaginary Lover for instance. It’s one of those stories that came out of nowhere, and forced me to write it. Hubby and I were walking the dog and we were chatting away, and hubby made a throwaway comment about there being invisible people watching us…

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Tilting her head back, he took over the kiss #SexySnippets #ASMSG

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets. This weekly meme is hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers where we share seven sentences from a published book or work-in-progress. If you're a writer, feel free to join us by signing up at the Sexy Snippets page. Sign up opens every Tuesday and closes midnight every Saturday (UK time).

This week I'm bringing you a snippet from Island Bound. Who doesn't find a good kiss sexy, eh? LOL. Enjoy.


When she blew a breath against his lips, he tangled one hand in her kinky hair

and splayed the other across her round behind. Tilting her head back, he took over the kiss. He swept his tongue across her lips before delving into their partition, a man starved of her delightfully succulent bounty. With his tongue, he razed and subjugated her mouth. With his lips, he drank, fueling his already raging cravings.
She swayed into him, her grip on his shoulders tightening. Her scent intoxicated him and threatened to drive him over the edge.

When Christy Inemi-Spiff discovers that the man she vowed to love and honor has no such feelings for her, she’s determined to cut her losses and move on with her life. A quick, quiet divorce is all she wishes for Christmas.
However, Joshua has other ideas. He’s not ready to walk away yet, especially when he doesn’t understand why Christy wants out of their marriage. So he demands she agree to spend a quiet Christmas on a remote African Island with him, hoping they can salvage their relationship. If she still wants a divorce after these two weeks, he will let her go. But not before he’s had his fill of her.
But with the sparking tension between them, and the secrets behind the disintegration of their marriage threatening to explode, will either of them get their wish? Or will this season of good will show them what really lies at the bottom of their hearts?

I hope you enjoyed it. Leave me a comment and check out these sexy snippets too.

Friday, 20 June 2014

A Measured Risk by @Nblackthorne 99cents #eBook + Giftcard #Giveaway

Hello Everyone, Natasha Blackthorne is here with book blitz for the .99 sale on A Measured Risk, Regency Risks Book One.
She is also giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card. To enter, please fill out the Rafflecopter at the end of this post.
On Sale .99 at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
June 20-22, 2014

By Natasha Blackthorne

Book one in the Regency Risks Series

He is her most dangerous temptation, the only man she has ever trusted and now he is demanding her submission. Dare she take the risk?

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

What greater love can #readers give #authors than this? #showlove #asmsg

There are moments when my spirit is low and I ask myself "why the hell do you do this?" Why do you put yourself through the sleepless nights and exhaustion, the jumble of a messy house, the noise of children asking "what time dinner is going to be ready?" or hubby's disappointment because you forgot to run the errand he gave you. Why do you put yourself through the heartache of of dealing with sometimes bitchy people?

It's not as if you're getting paid for it. Yeah, you're earning but you can hardly pay your bills with the income at the moment. And if hubby disappeared, you'd be left on you broke ass.

Well, this is why.

When one reader reads and reviews four of my books in less than a week, I feel like it's my birthday and Christmas all at once. I feel so high I'm practically flying.
What greater love can a reader show an author than this?

Click on the image to make it larger.

I'm a writer who thrives on feedback. When I write I love it when I get instant response back which is why I use beta readers and post teasers often.

It's not just enough to tell me you like what I've written. I want to know what you like about it. Is it something the characters did or said? Is it the style of writing, the plot, what?
I need to know what I did right so I can do it again and ramp it up. I also need to know that I did wrong so I don't do it again.

So when a person I don't know buys my books, reads and leaves such glowing reviews, I feel as if I'm bouncing off the walls with joy.

Felicia, you don't know what you did for me with your reviews. In fact, my eyes water (in a good way) as I write this. Thank you doesn't seem enough to express my gratitude. So I'm going to do what you asked and finish off Scores this week so that it can go to the publisher and you can get to read it as soon as possible.

For readers, if you read a book and loved it and you're wondering why the author hasn't released another book since the last one, go and leave him or her a great review and see what happens. At the very least you would make their day. And perhaps you'll get the next book you're waiting for. J

I leave you with Des'Ree and Feel So High because that's how I feel at the moment. Enjoy.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Book lover Coffee addict-Author @SJMaylee is Taking Courage #book

  Author Interview 

Hi, Kiru.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a married mother of two, dancer, lover of Nia, PMP (Project Management Professional), book lover, coffee addict, and published author. TAKING COURAGE is my third book and I have another story releasing soon. It’s a part an Evernight Publishing anthology releasing on June 20th.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Can I taste her? #SexySnippets #asmsg Scores

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets. This weekly meme is hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers where we share seven sentences from a published book or work-in-progress. If you're a writer, feel free to join us by signing up at the Sexy Snippets page. Sign up opens every Tuesday and closes midnight every Saturday (UK time).

This week I'm bringing you more from my current WIP, Scores, Passion Shields book 3. I think this scene explains itself. But if you are wondering 'who the heck is Margo?' then read this Mid Week Teaser.
It is a first draft and unedited and a little longer than 7 sentences. I hope you enjoy it.


Her state of arousal had more to do with Ben's dominance and less about Margo's presence. Surely. She bit her bottom lip suppressing a moan as he squeezed her breasts covered in a lace bra and cotton dress.
"Lina, use both hands to open yourself for me."
Reaching down, Selina did as he instructed, cool air from the open window teasing her sex.
"How is she looking, Margo?"
"She is the prettiest lotus bud covered in morning dew." Margo swiped her pink tongue over her glossy lips. "Can I taste her, Master?"
"Can she taste you, Lina?"

 I hope you enjoyed it. Leave me a comment and remember to check out the other sexy snippets.

The Romance Reviews