Q1) Welcome to my blog, Molly. Can you tell us a little about yourself
I live in Wales in the UK with my family and
pets. I teach by day and write by night.
Q2) Have you always wanted to be an author?
I always harbored a dream to write and I had a short story, some poems and a travel guide published but I thought that getting a novel published was one of those things that happens for other people. So I got on with life and kept myself busy with other things. However, to cut a long story short (and it is quite a long story) I felt the urge to write building again until I just couldn’t ignore it any longer. So I got writing. I went through the whole submission / rejection / submission / revise and resubmit process several times before I wrote my debut novella Desire in Deadwood and finally got that wonderful email!The best decision I made was to stop procrastinating and dreaming and to just get on with it and put my work out there. It wasn’t easy and like many authors I’ve shed a few (thousand) tears along the way but I try to remember what a good friend told me about the whole process: ‘Write for yourself and write what you want to write, otherwise you will not be true to your author voice and you won’t be happy with your writing.’ So I try to write from the heart. I am a firm believer that love and passion do exist in very powerful forms and sometimes in life we have to make difficult choices, but in spite of these choices, we are still entitled to happiness. Life is too short not to grab it while you can.