Monday, 4 November 2013

Anchor Baby #MovieMonday #Nollywood

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I finally managed to watch Anchor Baby on Nollywood Movies over the weekend.

An illegal immigrant couple from Nigeria, pregnant Joyce (Omoni Oboli) and Paul Unanga (Sam Sarpong) are on the run from the United States immigration, desperately hoping that Joyce will give birth in the US, so their child can become an American citizen. Anchor Baby is an emotionally charged tale that will leave you guessing all through the end.

This is an lovely thriller / suspense  movie with a sting in its tail you won't see coming, although I kind of figured it out. For a 'Nollywood'  movie, the production is excellent and Omoni Oboli is fab. Although my husband argues that it shouldn't be a Nollywood movie because it was filmed in the US.

All in all, I loved it. If you haven't seen it, check it out.

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