Sunday, 3 April 2016

Parting her legs, he stepped between them #SexySnippets #asmsg Bound To Passion

Welcome back to sexy snippets. This is a fun weekly meme where we share 7 sentences from a published book or work in progress. Feel free to join us by adding your sexy snippets post link HERE or check out the page on Facebook or Twitter.

Today's sexy snippet comes from Bound To Passion.

Timidly, she moved her hands against the cotton of his shirt, feeling the rigid planes of his chest until she reached his shoulders, the short springy hairs on his chest visible where his button was undone. Wrapping her hands around his shoulders, she brought her body closer to his, pressed her breasts against his chest.
She met his sparkling gaze blazing with desire, reflecting the emotions that raged within her.
Parting her legs, he stepped between them until all of him—hard, hot flesh— pressed against her pliant, slick body. He returned to kissing her cheek and neck, making her more aware of the sensory extravaganza he unleashed within her body.
Swimming in the tide of rushing stimuli, she barely noticed Joshua untying the strap of her halter-neck until the dress fell apart, baring her breasts to his view. He stepped back, his hot gaze scanning her body and leaving a fiery path in its wake.

Bound To Passion is on sale for 99cent/99pence. Find out more HERE

Check out these other sexy snippets

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