Saturday, 2 May 2015

Her request interested him, even if he’d never admit it #sexysnippets #asmsg Kola

Welcome back to Sexy Snippets hosted by The Nuthouse Scribblers where we share 7 sentences from a work-in-progress or published book. How sexy? Totally up to you. Join us. Go to the Sexy Snippets page to sign up or visit the page on Facebook.

Before we get to today's snippet I wanted to share my excitement that I finally settled on an eBook cover for Kola. And we have a release date too -  June 16, 2015!
So without further ado, here's the cover!

Model: Allan
Photography: Yuri Arcurs
Cover design: Love Bites and Silk


Here's the blurb

When sassy heiress with a heart of gold, Tari Essien, needs a place to escape the pressures of the hounding press, she turns to Kola Banks, a deeply scarred ex-soldier who's also the Essien chief of security. Kola can't offer Tari anything more than his protection. She's family for goodness sake, even if they share no blood ties.

 It’s a weekend of lessons for both of them. Together they can't avoid the explosive heat that sizzles between them, nor help pushing each others' boundaries physically as well as emotionally.
But when the weekend ends and Tari's life is in danger, Kola will put his body as well as his heart in the line of fire to keep her safe.

And here's this week's sexy snippet.

Taking a step to close the gap between them, she placed her palms against his chest. The soft sound of hitched breath reached her. Beneath the t-shirt and warm skin his heart thudded strong and fast.
“I can take care of Peter. He doesn’t scare me but I do know of a way you can help me,” she purred.
“Name it.”
His quick, direct and emphatic response was exactly what she'd hoped for. Smiling, she looked up. “Kiss me.”
“What?” He flinched and his searching gaze met hers.
The deep, dark chocolate eyes sparked with need matching hers. Her request interested him, even if he’d never admit it. She had to convince him to take the leap.
“Kiss me. You know, lip to lip, silk to silk.”
“I don’t kiss,” came his gruff response.
Thank you for reading and commenting.
Check out these other sexy snippets.

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