Friday, 26 July 2013

#BBF #Spotlight on Lillian MacKenzie #BloggerBookFair

Welcome to Day 5 of the Blogger Book Fair and the spotlight is on Lillian Mackenzie. Please make her feel welcome.

Remember to leave a comment to be eligible for my Summer Is Here prize draw.

Q1) Welcome to my blog, Lillian. Can you tell us a little about yourself

I am an eclectic writer who has an open approach to genre writing. I pretty much let my pencil or muse dictate my story as it goes along.

Q2) Have you always wanted to be an author?
To be honest, I never wanted to be an author. When I was in school, I hated the English subject and Grammar was the worst. I did enjoy Literature classes, so I tried to take as many of those as I could.
Q3) Who are some of your favorite writers? Who do you feel has influenced your writing?
My favorite contemporary writers right now are Nia Forrester, who is my favorite, Olivia Linden, Brook Blander, and LeTeisha Newton. But the writer who has influenced my style the most is L. Frank Baum. His descriptions in the Wizard of Oz series and the Aunt Jane’s Nieces series trumps any that I have ever seen in other classics and writers of today.

Q4) Can you tell us what a typical writing day for you is like.  
A typical write day, of late, consists of me waking from a four hour slumber to the sunshine peeking through my blinds. That is the best time for me to write, when the sun is shining; there is something motivational about natural light. I tend to get my flow done during the day, then I work on promotional things at night.

Q5) Let’s talk about your new book.  Can you tell us a little about it?
My book is titled Memoirs of a Succubus. It is based off my past trysts with lovers. The main focus of the story centers around a woman’s feelings of beings sexually free versus considering the cultural, social, moral norms of society. This is a paranormal piece so the fantasy bleeds through the search for what my main character truly wants.

Q6) How did you come up with the idea for this story?
I used to tell stories of my past lovers so much that I was encouraged to write a book detailing my adventures.

Q7) What is up next for you?
My next piece will be totally finished within the next few weeks. It is a vampire romance titled Winter’s Island that releases at the end of August 2013. I am currently writing a shifter piece with one of my favorite writers that will hopefully release around Christmas. I have several other projects in the making, a sequel to Memoirs of a Succubus will come out around Christmas, a companion novella to Winter’s Island, a young adult paranormal romance that I will write alongside another favorite author, and a GLBT romance.

Q8) What is the best piece of advice you would give to a budding writer?
The best piece of advice is think outside the box. We writers are creative for a reason. I know writers loathe the marketing aspect of publishing material, but if you strategically set yourself up with certain relationships and platforms, the job will do itself.

Q9) What is the next book on your To Read Pile that you are dying to jump into?
Only Her Heart by Olivia Linden will release next month, and I will definitely be sinking my teeth into that.

Q10) Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you for conducting this interview. Enjoy my 5 star novella Memoirs of a Succubus and check out the delectable tale of island romance with a mix of evil plotting in the vampire romance Winter’s Island.
Favorite Quiz

Favorite city:
I have not traveled much in my lifetime, but my favorite city that I have visited is Nashville, Tennessee.
Favorite beverage:
My favorite beverage is room temperature drinking water.
Favorite place you’d like to visit:
I would love to visit Japan or China, the colors of those continents are so beautiful.
Favorite place to write:
The only place I can write at this moment is my bed. I have tried to write in the living room and at a friend’s house...major fail.
Favorite hobby:
My favorite hobby is cooking. I am also writing a cookbook for young mum’s around the world.
Favorite movie:
I would say my favorite movie of right now is Django. Not only is Quentin Tarantino my favorite filmmaker, but the controversy surrounding this movie drew me in from the start. I loved every minute of it’s tale.
Favorite book:
My favorite book is Commitment by Nia Forrester. I have read it five times so far which is by far the most times I have reread a book. Her books are like watching a good movie. Every time I reread her stories, I discover something new. Her character descriptions are so detailed that you feel as if you sitting in the scene with the character.

Lillian MacKenzie Rhine (Lilly Mac Rhine) Author Bio
Lillian MacKenzie Rhine is a writer who weaves stories together in her mind; creating an articulate quilt patched together with interesting characters and riveting plots. She has an open approach to genre writing where the pen dictates the theme written on the pages. Each chosen word that Lillian MacKenzie Rhine engraves into her stories will connect with her readers’ reality at some point in his or her past, present, or future.
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Remember, always keep an open mind and it will expand all horizons.

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