Friday, 6 January 2012

18 & Over Book Blogger Follow

Hello everyone! Welcome to my first 18 & Over Book Blogger Follow.

18 & Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend, hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines. This is a Friday blog hop with the objective to find and visit other book blogs that share the same interest as you, namely books geared towards the 18 & over crowd, and make some new friends!

Question of the Week:

Do you read multiple books at a time or stick to one?

My answer:

Mostly, I read one book at a time. If a book is engrossing, then there’s little chance I’ll put it down and pick up another.
However, there are some longer reads, especially those in the literary fiction category, that I tend to put down and come back to later. In the meantime I will read shorter category romance to get my fix. LOL

What about you? Do you read multiple books at a time? Share your thoughts and click the link to hop along. Have a great weekend.


  1. I tend to read more than one---but not more than 3 at a time. I do reviews and then I am working on a few Reading Challenges.
    But sometimes I get engrossed in just it just depends.

  2. I tend to read more than one at a time. I have different books for different places (print, ebook, audiobook).

    Wit and Sin

  3. There are very special books that I make sure I have a clear time slot for, but normally I will read a full length and a couple of shorter books, alternating between them. I am working to devise a way to be able to add about 10 extra hours to my day.

  4. I am a one book kinda person. If I read more then one I kinda start forgetting things or mixing them up. Have a Great Weekend!! New Follower.

  5. I tend to read only one, on the occasions I read two one always gets left in the dust

    newest follower

  6. I do tend to read multiple books - but they're all in different genres!

  7. To be honest, since I started to read the hubs in Hub Pages I just don't have time to read books. However, in the past I've read multiple - Only sometime one will be too intriguing to put down.

  8. I do read more than one book at a time. Print for daytime and Kindle with light for night, lol!

  9. First time to your blog, happy Friday

  10. I have one book that I has been partially read on my shelf for months now. It's one of those memoirs type books and just like you, I need my romance fix in between chapters. Other than that though, I am a one book kind of woman.

  11. I read multiple books because I don't like to read harrowing stuff before bed time and recently I have got lots of different genres out of the library. I don't like taking library books on the train with me because I don't want them damaged or lost, so having been a one book woman before I now mix and match. I decided it would be like reading a magazine or newspaper and then going back to my novel so why not?

  12. With my review pile sometimes I wish I could read multiple books at once but it just doesn't work for me, I'm a one at a timer. lol
    Hope you had a great weekend and thanks for participating!


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