Thursday, 24 November 2011

Thrusty Thursday - Gratitude

In celebration of Thanksgiving, I’d like to share some of my reasons for being thankful this year.

1.     I am thankful for the gift of storytelling.
2.     I am thankful for the opportunity to tell stories I love to others in the form of my romance novels.
3.     I am thankful for a loving husband and kids who support my ambition.
4.     I am thankful for my fabulous friends who cheer me on and provide timely kicks up the back side when I need it.
5.     I am thankful for all the other great writers who provide sound advice and inspiration.
6.     I am thankful for my lovely beta readers who go through the gruelling feat of reading my draft manuscripts before they are polished.
7.     I am thankful for my fabulous editor who always manages to put a smile on my face even when she’s giving me more editing work.
8.     I am thankful for my publisher who has an eye for greatness (hey, I’d like to think I’d be great one day ;), spotted the potential in my work and offered me the contract.
9.     I’m thankful for all you wonderful readers who’ve followed me right from the beginning and kept faith with me, who went over and pre-ordered my book as soon as it became available, and who I know will continue to show their support.
10.  I am thankful for all these and more.

What are your reasons for being thankful? Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!


  1. Hi Kiru
    These are wonderful things to be thankful for. Some of us lead very blessed lives don't we? I'm going to get stuck into your books in December after NaNo is over. I'm getting a new Kindle for Christmas so that'll help. I've got so many books I'm thankful for having the opportunity to read.
    I've done a thankful post too, a bit different...


  2. Denise, we are a blessed bunch. Thank you for your continued support. Are you getting a Kindle Fire. I want one of those. I'll be popping over to read your thankful post too. Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Kiru! I am most grateful for the opportunity to meet and interact with people like you on fb! People who motivate, inspire, and challenge you to evolve into your best self!:-) I love the note!

  4. You are very blessed indeed Kiru, Happy Thanks Giving.

  5. Ogor and Wendy, thank you. We are all blessed.

  6. I'm thankful for a lot this year too. Happy Thanksgiving, Kiru.

    And thanks for the lovely post. :)

  7. Hi Xandra, it's been a great year for so many. Thank you for stopping by.

  8. Lovely post. Happy thanksgiving, Kiru. Can't wait to read your book. All the best.

  9. Adura, thank you. Have a great weekend.

  10. Lovely post!

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  11. Thank you, Romance Reader. I have a great weekend. I hope you did too.


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